So I actually gave up 15 minutes of my life to watch the video. Observations.
1. The old dude from the GB drones on for a whole 2 minutes at the beginning! This is a twelve minute cartoon that is 20% of the time. The GB always staying in the background. I never even saw a pic of them as a kid and heard little about them until the Proclaimers book. There was a pic of them on one of the pages. I was shocked.
2. The kid has no friends. He is obviously lonely and has to play my himself. The only exposure he get's to other kids is at school. The org still doesn't understand how this isolation is hurting not helping their numbers.
3. I did not hear the word God once in the whole video. I hear Jehovah, Satan alot. It makes them feel like rival lovers battling for a kids allegiance. What a f-cked up cult.
Even when they try to give a crap about the kids they fail miserably.