Passing time at the snorefests was a bit easier when you could find something to distract yourself. The following are some of the headers that I found amusing while killing time as a kid. John Beheaded----5000 Fed . Divorce----Gift of Singleness . Stray Sheep----Settling Faults. Did anyone else do this or was it just me. I've always had an 'odd-ball' sense of humour. bwa ha ha ha ha
John beheaded--5000 fed, amusing headers in Old Green Bible
by nuthouse escapee 3 Replies latest social humour
James Brown
Those are bible stories in all Christian bibles. Baptist pentacostals and catholics could say the same thing.
James, I think Nutty refers to the irony of the captions for the two stories on the same page header when you look at them as tho just one item.
John Beheaded + 5000 Fed = LOL
Neither is a bid deal, until you join the thoughts as one item.
(Or is it me? Nutty, maybe we're both FUp)
Didn't Moses tie his ass to a wall and walk for miles?