When will the WTBTS become the Watch Tower Bible and Internet Society...

by mP 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mP

    Just in case they havent heard nobody reads or distributes tracts any more. Those little peices of paper are about as prevalent today as stone tablets.


    It will happen invisibly in October 2014.

  • cedars

    I think any relationship they have with the internet will always be a subtle one as far as drawing new converts is concerned. They already seem to be making forays into YouTube with a recent profusion of sign language videos, and Wikipedia articles lately have started to be slanted more in favor of the Society. Ultimately though, I think they would still prefer it if the internet didn't exist, and people still got their information through the printed word - even though this is getting increasingly costly. At least it affords them more control over the information people absorb.

    Apart from that, I can see them continuing to expand the ways in which they use the internet to get publications and documents out to publishers and elders. In fact, I can see the printing operations winding down completely eventually, and publishers being asked to print their own literature at home. This is already happening on a limited scale.


  • Balaamsass

    All the more reason for Ex-JWs to get better at Search Engine Optimization and use of the media!

  • slimboyfat

    I think the switch over is September according to the website.

  • outsmartthesystem

    "Apart from that, I can see them continuing to expand the ways in which they use the internet to get publications and documents out to publishers and elders. In fact, I can see the printing operations winding down completely eventually, and publishers being asked to print their own literature at home. This is already happening on a limited scale."

    Agreed. I also would not be surprised if.....eventually......they developed their own internet software like the Scientologists have done to prevent the user form viewing anything unfavorable about them. They could simply say that it is designed to "protect Jehovah's little ones from being exposed to the rampant violence and sex that has come to define these last days". Witnesses would just eat it up. How wonderful it is that Jehovah is protecting the children! But ....quietly....this software also prohibits the opening of any page that would be "spritually harmful".

    Most witnesses would eventually become aware of the fact that the software also weeds out "harmful spiritual content".......but it would be a side point to them. First and foremost they'd focus on the "protection" of their children from this evil world's violence and sex. Secondly....the software would be coming from God's organization....and not some "commercial worldly source". What witness wouldn't love that? Lastly.....they'd say "oh yeah.....and it also helps preserve our spirituality by not allowing apostate sites. What a loving provision".

    If the society were to say "use this software because it controls what information you can look up about us"......they'd raise red flags in the minds of JWs that still have some ability to think. But so long as it is marketed as just a small side point......it'll fly under the radar.

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