I received the latest copy of the LHMM magazine (The Laymen's Home Missionary Movement, which is one of the Bible Student groups which shares a common Russellite origin with the JWs). I was simply amazed by their supposedly scientific article about the Deluge. At the end of the article it says you can request a full treatise on the subject. Here is a quotation:
The Bible Standard, Sept-Oct 2012, p 72.
Published by LHMM ( Laymen’s Home Missionary Movement)
Article: ‘The Deluge Effect’, The first paragraph begins by saying “Scientific students are rapidly reaching the conclusion that we are fully justified in laughing at some scientists who have denied the Bible account of the Deluge. “ After some introductory statements the second paragraph contains some statements that I find astonishing,Here goes, “When we ask where such floods could come from, Astronomy answers us, pointing to Saturn and Jupiter with their ‘rings.’ Scientists declare that these rings consist of minerals and water thrown far off in a gaseous state when the planets were at white heat. They subsequently cooled and formed into various strata or rings. Because of their great distance from the planets their motions are different, and they are held in suspense by the same laws which hold the planets themselves in space. Nevertheless, the superior weight of the planets draws them nearer and nearer. The ring nearest the planet, and approaching it, is still held off by the ‘firmament’ of circumambient air. The rotation of the planets on their axes gives least resistance at the poles; and these rings, after spreading out as a great coverings, gradually thin at the center, or equator, and thicken at the poles, until the wight at the poles becomes so great as to overcome the power or the strength of the firmament, and then breaking through from both poles, causes great torrents.”
I know that the WT used to teach stuff like this, but that was 30-40 years ago. It's amazing that anyone could have ever believed such nonsense.