Are the Jehovah's Witnesses able to fully/completely understand the Bible on their own without being dependent on the Elders?

by I_love_Jeff 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • I_love_Jeff

    A popular Jehovah's Witness on Yahoo answers by the name of Bar-Anerges says:

    • Can Jehovah's Witnesses come to a *complete* knowledge of *every* doctrine on their own? The Scriptures and practical experience prove otherwise (we believe that where individuals are isolated, God will judge them by what they do know).

    How true is this statement? Are we not able to read the Bible on our own with the guidance of the Holy Spirit or must we be dependent on Teachers through Orgainzed religion to help us? Didn't Jesus say He would send His Helper to assist us in life? What say you?

  • EndofMysteries

    Yes, the bible has many scriptures to support being able to understand it and let God/spirit of truth/etc to understand it. There is not a single scripture that says it can only be understood through a teacher.

    The society always quotes the eunuch as proof you need a teacher. Him saying, "how can i learn unless somebody shows me" does not equate to "the only way to understand it is to have a teacher". What it equates to is he did not have faith that he would get understanding (bible says impossible then), so he was fed milk in the way of being taught, then when he can take it on his own and not need a teacher, he is eating whole food.

  • WTWizard

    In theory, one might be able to fully understand the LIE-ble. But, if you depend on someone else, you are going to get a false impression on something therein, usually to unjustly benefit the person that is supposed to be helping you. Also, you need to be 100% free of prejudice, even though you might be offended by some of the things you learn. You learn that Jehovah is a tyrant and a scumbag and that Satan is your Savior, for instance, and you try to deny it, and you will never understand it with or without help.

  • Fernando

    How did I not see that the WBTS was operating a clergy class versus laity class system?

    Totally unscriptural.

    God has made us spiritually dependant on the Holy Spirit - not other humans.

    Yes, some plant, others water but God makes it grow with the objective of a personal relationship (through Jesus).

    Do not put your trust in earthling man to whom no salvation belongs?!

  • maccauk11

    Each beleiver has to work out his own salvation. We are told to consider all things. Not just accept some answers at the bottom of the page in the sudies. Tell me can a witness stand up and say that they do not agree with the understanding or question an understanding.

  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    (Matthew 23:8-10) 8 But YOU, do not YOU be called Rabbi, for one is YOUR teacher, whereas all YOU are brothers. 9 Moreover, do not call anyone YOUR father on earth, for one is YOUR Father, the heavenly One. 10 Neither be called ‘leaders,’ for YOUR Leader is one, the Christ.

    (Psalm 146:3) 3 Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.

    GB are the exception to the rules.

    JW's ignore those scriptures, and instead point to Matthew 23:45-47 to be the end-all argument.

  • ziddina

    Who says the elders understand the bible???

    They're just parroting the official Watchtower Society stance, themselves.

  • HelpMeBelieve

    " How did I not see that the WBTS was operating a clergy class versus laity class system?

    Totally unscriptural."

    I never thought I would agree we have a clergy-laity system but I think we do. I can't go to a Tuesday or Sunday meeting without someone saying "According to the Insight Book, page 311 Volume 2, the Apostle Paul meant dah dah dah..." I am losing faith in our ability to use the Bible without something secular attached (adding the Reasoning Book inside the cover, with a small "Trinity Brochure") or woven in the front and back.

    The Biblical illiteracy and ineptness plaguing our over-lapping Generation is nothing to laugh about. I am now coming to grips that what I believed over the last several decades is not true, I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest. The lack of love of a loving brotherhood should have been my first clue, second I should have noticed that "charity" is absent or selfishly hoarded for "friends" who can push you upward on your quest for position, prominence or prestige.

  • NewChapter

    JW's don't think you can come to an accurate understanding of the bible without the GB---not so much the elders. Without their literature and programs, then you will come to wrong conclusions. I remember that being stressed to me early in my study---the FDS is god's channel on earth, so that is where the understanding. I believe the elder I studied with (and his wife) said that a person MAY be able to come to an understanding, but it would take lifetimes. That's how they put it.

    I now realize that nobody can understand it AND everybody can understand it. It says whatever you want it to say and nobody agrees.

  • Balaamsass

    Over 50% of Elders have NEVER read the could they understand it? The blind leading the blind.......

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