In JW land there is an account/gossip/talk of a great apostasy event in Dublin in the late 1970s. The society apparently had to send in an enforcer and the "Dubs" were dealt with very harshly.
Anybody any account/details of it?
by Jim Dee 6 Replies latest jw friends
In former GB member R. Franz's COC book, he describes a similar event but it would have been the early 80's. Two respected Elders from Ireland came to see Franz and his friend Griegerson after they heard about Franz's DFing by the Society. They found it unbelievable but were in for more shocks as they were turned away by the GB and then were followed back to Ireland for more trouble there leading to their own ultimate Crisis of Conscience. It's a great read and I highly recommend this book for this story and the book as a whole. Don't know if this is what you are referring to but it sure sounds close.
This sounds like it may have something to do with the case of two Irishmen, John May and Martin Merriman, as reported by Ray Franz in Crisis of Conscience, pages 328-35. In the early 80's they were concerned with the way Ray had been treated (disfellowshipped for eating a meal with Peter Gregerson), tried to investigate, and ended up on the outside looking in.
Also, there's a pretty interesting tape by John May that gives quite a bit of information about his and Martin Merriman's experiences. The following is the description:
T45 & T46 LOVE TRUTH--LIVE TRUTH --John May. Upset with lies of WT. Info on Raymond Franz, former Governing Body member. ALSO: Stephen Ignatius. Two tapes $7.90.It can be purchased at the Witness, Inc. website:
"The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure; to live it you had to explode." ---Bob Dylan
Wow, what a story this is. The video interview is here, it's long but worth watching / listening to. I stumbled upon it on YouTube then googling their names led me here.