One pioneer meeting during the CO's visit, we were asked for some illustrations we could use in the Ministry Work. Although I knew it was a little obscure, I raised my hand and said "In the Ministry, I have used a SHOO-FLY Pie to illustrate Christendom's Satanic message. The main ingredients in a SHOO-FLY Pie are hot water and molasses. The pie's name is said to be due to the fact that pies were set to cool on windowsills and the cook would constantly have to shoo the flies away. So too, people are attracted to Christendom's message like flies, although it is made up of nothing but hot water and sweet words people want to hear...but void of anything nutritional and lifesaving." LOLOL ::: shoots herself now ::::
I cannot help but see the same thing happening on this Discussion Board...except it is the JWs, Trolls or anti-apostates (LOL) this time who are using these "Satanic" pie tactics. People like Fred Hall, Yo Yo Mama, You Know, NYTelecom ...and screen names into infinity. Although, their words are far from sweet...we flock to them just like we would if someone told us there was a terrible accident outside and a headless body was laying on our sidewalk. We can't help it. We've become the flies. Attracted to threads that have nothing to offer but sick diversion. Secretly, like Satan (lol) they sit there, laughing sadistically behind their computer screens...because they are deflecting us with empty one liners, painful insults, personal attacks. Meanwhile, hundreds of visitors a day...perhaps JWs searching for real information or who are in need of comfort are lost. These pie wielding trolls have won.