Is this Beth Sarim?

by Thirdson 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thirdson

    I hope this works since I have little ability to correct the links with the restricted editing. This is Braeburn Road San Diego, CA.
    Would someone confirm which house is Beth Sarim. Is it the last house on the north side of the road just before the bend? Or am I totally wrong or even have the wrong road?


  • Fredhall


    I didn't know that the apostates have their own spy cameras.

  • VM44


    Good photo reconnaissance! Where did you get the picture?

    Yes, that is Beth Sarim! You can see the driveway leading
    to the seperate detached garage.

    You can also see the "turret" in the middle of the house,
    with the two "wings" of the house going off at a slight angle.

    And someone has over the years added a pool in the back yard.
    (which there is not much of, as the house is right on the
    edge of a steep canyon slope)

    --VM44 (photo analysis class)

  • Thirdson


    The photo comes from

    After finding a street address you can select "aerial photo". I keyed in the address from Farkel's post on Beth Sarim and used his description of its location plus the photo's on Ivor Hope's page to take a guess at the house. I zoomed in quite close to what I thought was the right house then cropped part of the image and posted it to an Internet photo site.

    I have found aerial shots of my own house using mapquest and

    If Fred wants to give us his street address we coould post a piccie of his house/kennel/shoebox.


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