"Who really is the faithful and discreet slave".... (Matt. 24:45)
When discussing John 1:1 with trinitarians, we always refer to the original Greek, and inform them that the verse speaks of the Word being 'a' god, not 'the' God, because the definite article 'ho' is not used in his case. (the)When discussing John 1:1 with trinitarians, we always refer to the original Greek, and inform them that the verse speaks of the Word being 'a' god, not 'the' God, because the definite article 'ho' is not used in his case. (the)
Should we not then use 'a' instead of 'the' at Matthew 24:45, as some other translations do?
Because the definite article isn't in that verse either, and changing it to 'a' puts the verse in a totally different light!
Comfortingly, the Scriptures (without any ambiguity when speaking of "slaves") clearly show that all who wish to serve Jehovah and exercise faith in His son's ransom, are regarded as slaves. There are not two classes of slave, only one! Reason on this single example of "slaves",
" For the kingdom of God does not mean eating and drinking, but [means] righteousness and peace and joy with holy spirit. For he who in this regard slaves for Christ is acceptable to God and has that we might be slaves in a new sense by the spirit, and not in the old sense by the written code." (Rom. 14:17,18)
then using your CD ROM and your reasoning abilities, research all the occurences of "slave" & "slaves".
The Christian Greek Scriptures were not written "primarily for those with the heavenly hope", and you know it!
"Who really is a faithful and discreet slave?"