Diane Benscoter on how cults rewire the brain

by SophieG 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • SophieG
  • Dagney

    Marked for later.

  • Aware!

    I've always wanted to get an fMRI scan of my brain.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Excellent! I love Ted talks - will watch later

  • ldrnomo

    Excellent points:

    "save the world through genocide"

    "mental virus"

    I guess the GB was talking about themselves when they write about being "mentally diseased".

    Cults are a virus that needs to be treated.

    I'm sure glad I was healed.

  • blindnomore

    Interesting! I was just telling my hubby few days ago of the possibility of the brian wiring difference between cult members and critical thinkers.

  • Phizzy

    Good talk, thanks for posting, as she rightly says at the end, the first step is to get the cult member to say "WE have a problem".

    JW's brains have been re-wired by the WT to not see any problem.

  • SophieG

    I thought you guys would find that interesting.

    I feel like I am recreating parts of my brain since I consciously decided to leave. Does that make sense. I feel like I have to open myself up to new thought, I am learning so much...and I can think so clearly....AHHHH!

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