Off to North Wales!

by BritBoy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • BritBoy

    Given all the arguments and people leaving this site in their droves... some happy news is that I am off to North Wales until Thursday to do nothing but walk on the coast with Matt and Darcy, eat loads of food, drink loads of booze and generally relax! Given that upon my return I have to go into hospital (yip again) to have a biopsy done on my right lung and Lymph Nodes... uuuuurggghhhh

    In the meantime, I hope things settle down on this board and I return to the happy, informative, amusing, enlightening, mind expanding posts I found when I first joined almost a year ago!!

    Love to all

    Brit xx

    "My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"

  • Simon

    Hope you have a nice time.

    We've just come back from there this weekend and it's pretty windy at the moment so take some leads weights or something if you walk along the coast

  • Angharad

    Enjoy you break Brit, where abouts in NW are you going, I used to live in Llandudno.

    Have fun

    Hope your tests go well when you get back.

  • BritBoy

    Thanks Simon!

    We are ready for the wind (we think)... bought and extra heavy collar and leash for his Lordship, Mr Darcy. Matt and I have our wooly jumpers and wind proof jackets packed!!

    Bottle of Bolly chilling in the fridge, booked into a B&B that is a working farm, staying in a converted barn with a jacuzzi (it's a suite) and ready to horrify the locals by being a pair of BIG city poofs with their cocker spaniel!


    "My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"

  • BritBoy


    We are staying in Ffestinog, near Porthmadog! YAY, how sad am I getting excited about North Wales for three days? What happened to my weekends in New York and holidays in New Orleans???? Oh yes, I quit my job to study to become a freaking teacher!! Hey Ho... I guess Ffestinog sounds as fabulous as New York if you use the right accent... well let me dream!! ;)


    "My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"

  • Angharad

    Have a good time, Ffestinog is a lovely place is nice scenerary (sp). But it does have a tendancy to rain a hell of a lot there!

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