I have the hard copies of both of those and will keep them as long as I live for use against JWdom. The two references are burned in my memory as kj216 & w1-1-89. I found the kj216 reference some years ago by searching for "twentieth century" on the CD. I, was, like you, surprised that they didn't alter it on the CD.
Since coming on this site, I have been made aware of several other "twentieth century" quotes which I have recorded in my notes.
So they might not have explicitly stated the end was coming in 1975, but they definitely said it was coming before the end of the twentieth century.
You said "remember this quote?" Oh, how I do remember it!!! I remember where I was and where I was sitting when we studied the article containing the quote. However, at the time, it didn't really seem that profound; it just seemed to reinforce what we already taught - that the "generation" would expire in 1994. So, I thought that of course the end would arrive before the end of the twentieth century.
However, I did wonder what would happen if it didn't arrive. And, of course, the end didn't arrive. I realized that most JWs didn't remember the quote. Most now are totally unaware of it. I recently mentioned it to a thirty-something-year-old JW who tried to give me a tract in a parking lot. She gave me the deer-in-headlights look; she was totally unaware of it.
I think the org got off easy on those quotes. It didn't catch a lot of flak from them as it should have.