Whether you do or don't believe...
Whether you post merely 'fluff'...
Or long essays and/or other 'intellectual' stuff...
I beg you: learn from the "Body" of Christ... which is made up of MANY members... but TOGETHER... make up ONE body. ALL are not hands, are they? ALL are not feet and ALL are not legs. Can ONE member... then, say to another "I have no need of you?" No, for ALL parts are necessary to make up a COMPLETE body.
And yet, there is only ONE Head. The Christ. Only HE walked perfectly, dear ones. The rest of... fall short. Of the Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH... of Armies. Of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHJAH. And... of each other. Always... of each other.
True, this Board is NOT the Body of Christ. But... some of us would do well to learn from the structure and composition of that "body". For while, indeed, all parts need to cooperate TOGETHER for the body to work "properly", the simple fact that one part does not work "properly" does not necessarily mean amputation of that part. Voluntarily... or involuntarily. THAT would be like following Paul, would it not?
May the one that has ears... HEAR.
And may I say to you... please... LEARN LOVE... and LEARN PEACE! Please. For with the same measure that YOU are measuring out... it will be measured out... to YOU.
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
SJ, who thought my $.02 on this, as learned from my Lord, might be of some help...