Whether you stay or leave...

by AGuest 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    Whether you do or don't believe...
    Whether you post merely 'fluff'...
    Or long essays and/or other 'intellectual' stuff...

    I beg you: learn from the "Body" of Christ... which is made up of MANY members... but TOGETHER... make up ONE body. ALL are not hands, are they? ALL are not feet and ALL are not legs. Can ONE member... then, say to another "I have no need of you?" No, for ALL parts are necessary to make up a COMPLETE body.

    And yet, there is only ONE Head. The Christ. Only HE walked perfectly, dear ones. The rest of... fall short. Of the Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH... of Armies. Of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHJAH. And... of each other. Always... of each other.

    True, this Board is NOT the Body of Christ. But... some of us would do well to learn from the structure and composition of that "body". For while, indeed, all parts need to cooperate TOGETHER for the body to work "properly", the simple fact that one part does not work "properly" does not necessarily mean amputation of that part. Voluntarily... or involuntarily. THAT would be like following Paul, would it not?

    May the one that has ears... HEAR.

    And may I say to you... please... LEARN LOVE... and LEARN PEACE! Please. For with the same measure that YOU are measuring out... it will be measured out... to YOU.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,

    SJ, who thought my $.02 on this, as learned from my Lord, might be of some help...

  • mindfield
    True, this Board is NOT the Body of Christ.

    Youre sure about that?

  • Thomas Poole
    Thomas Poole

    Yes, the body of Christ is within this group in various places.

    Interesting how leaving the WT makes some loose faith in the Bible. Of course when you leave a cult you leave their version of the Bible. You leave their Jesus Christ, their Holy Spirit, their Father.

    I guess some can now see all that falseness and now cannot begin to search for the real. Is this a dependency problem where they need a high-control relationship, and without it they have not the nature to gird their loins and search anew?

    The newperson in Christ is not found by needing to be dependent upon organizations and denominations, but rather by reaching out more and better towards God.

    Cult dependency is a real hang-over.

  • Justin

    Yes, we should all learn from one another and have more cooperation.

    But from where did you get your Hebrew? The Hebrew for Jesus is "Y'shua." If you want to use the longer version, to correspond with the Old Testament Joshua, it would be "Yehoshua." Messiah is "Mashiach."


  • 2SYN

    *cough* Faith in the Bible *cough*

    I ask you, which bit must I have faith in? TP, I suggest you go and read the Skeptic's Annotated Bible.

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • AGuest

    Dear Mindfield, may you have peace and yes, I am sure: While indeed there are members of that Body here, this BOARD, in and of itself... is not that Body.

    Dearest Thom Poole, may you have peace and may I say to you that faith in the Bible not required and is futile... whether one is in the organization or not. For my Lord did NOT say "exercise faith in the Bible," but instead, "exercise faith IN GOD... and exercise faith... IN ME." May you HEAR, please... and get the sense of it.

    In addition, a new person in Christ is MADE new, by means of holy spirit. And one does not need to reach out and "better" towards God; one only needs ASK... and do in IN FAITH... and one shall receive. We do not 'choose' God, dear one... HE, through Christ, chooses US. Why? Because of faith, and not simply faith that "believes in Jesus Christ" without activity. Such faith is ACTIVE, demonstrated by one's love... and obedience to the VOICE of the Fine Shepherd, which voice is heard DIRECTLY... from the Mediator himself... and not through any organization. True, ones are 'sent', but such ones come with a message that says LISTEN... to the one 'who speaks from the heavens'.

    John 10:27
    Hebrews 12:25

    Hello, dear Justin, peace to you and may I say that I 'get' my 'Hebrew' from the Son of God, my Lord, whose name he himself revealed to me as "JahEshua" (Jah Saves - Jah is Salvation), PRONOUNCED YahEshua OR Yah'Shua... and the true English rendering of which is, as you have stated, "Joshua" (and NOT "Jesus"). His 'title' is mischa-Jah... or 'chosen/anointed' of Jah ("messiah" or "mu-sy-yah" in English). The name "Jah" is PRONOUNCED "Yah", for the letter that is in Hebrew a 'yodh' or 'y', is the "J" in MY language. (As in "hallelujah" - correctly pronounced "Al-le-lu-Yah" and means "praise Jah".)

    I apologize for not being a student of Hebrew as earthling man teaches it; I am a student, however, of Christ, by means of holy spirit and thus I learn what I do from the ORIGINATOR of the language. Truthfully; he speaks, I listen... and 'hear'.

    Dearest 2Syn, pease to you as well, and... play nice.

    A slave of Christ,


  • Carmel

    Yep Shelby hon,

    The Body of Christ is difinately here. Some are known as Christians, othes Muslim, Jew or Zoroastrian, definately Hindu and probably Buddhist. They all are in the "Christ" body and you can't kick them out no matter how exclusivist you try to be.



  • Farkel

    : Interesting how leaving the WT makes some loose faith in the Bible.

    My faith in the Bible is pretty "loose," alright.


  • AGuest

    Dearest Carmel... much peace to you.

    I am not sure why you direct your statement to me, in that you said, "... and you can't kick them out no matter how exclusivist you try to be." I have never in my life tried to 'kick' ANYONE 'out' of ANYTHING, dear one; and in regard to this matter, I state that quite to the contrary, my commission is to invite ANY... and ALL... who are wishing, thirsting and hearing to "Come!"

    I must admit, though, that I did find your statement that...

    "The Body of Christ is difinately here. Some are known as Christians, othes Muslim, Jew or Zoroastrian, definately Hindu and probably Buddhist. They all are in the "Christ" body..."
    ... very interesting, for no other fact than I would think that one would have to at least RECOGNIZE the Christ... and perhaps even his Body... to be IN that Body. I mean, sure, many are invited, but not everyone is chosen. Heck, not everyone ACCEPTS the invitation, yes? And it seems that logic would dictate at least that much: to ACCEPT the invitation. Yet, some folks, including some among those that you mention here (as well as MANY if not MOST of those who profess to be 'christian') very adamantly DENY the Christ himself, let alone his Body... either by outright statement or by their 'hatred' for their own brother(s). So, I am not sure how you come to the conclusion that you do.

    But I must ALSO state that many of those of whom you speak are VERY likely to be subjects of that Body - those who, although not Israel nor under any specific covenant with God (particularly the NEW Covenant which is specifically mediated by Christ, by means of his blood and flesh - but do we really need to go into that?) - are granted entry INTO the kingdom by means of their good deeds to the Body of Christ. You know, like RAHAB, who was NOT an Israelite, NOT under the Law Covenant, thus NOT subject to the provisions thereof, but was STILL granted life... her AND her entire household... because she EXERCISED faith and literally ACTED on that faith... by hiding the Israelite spies to their benefit...

    Otherwise, I find it interesting that you take exception to my post begging for peace, Carmel, by responding with a false accusation... as well as misleading understanding. Interesting, but not surprising.

    But... I bid you peace, too!

    A slave of Christ,


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