Since you probably planned ahead of time not to return to the first thread I started, I am reprinting here for your convenience :
You Know:
Why do you JW's consistently only answer some questions (answers I might add that severely sidestep the issues, or bring something totally irrelevant into the picture), though not others? Do you really think we will just forget about the ones that you conveniently choose not to answer, hoping that we will not notice because of all your rhetoric and jibberish that you include in your answers to other questions? (I don't expect you to answer this at all, so stop sweating--these are rhetorical questions)
You obviously have no answer for how somehow an apostate could have received new light ahead of the governing body. And it is with this foundation that your entire post is totally irrelevant:
[QOUTE]consider the fact that Christ is referred to in prophecy as the Stone of stumbling and a Rockmass of offense.
I totally agree that the Bible says this, but what does it have to do with the topic??? I didn't ask "If Jesus was really God's son, why would he allow him to be a stumbling block?" Interesting that you would reference Jesus when I asked "If WT was truly God's organization..." I didn't ask for an analogy, something you JW's just love to impose, don't you?
So the question could have been asked back in Jesus' day: 'If Jesus were really the Messiah how come so many stumbled over him and failed to recognize and accept that he was the Christ?'
Okay, let's assume I wanted an analogy. Your response only applies however if my question were "If WT was truly God's organization, why does he allow it to stumble people out of the org.?" You however either totally missed the crux of the question or conveniently sidestepped hoping I wouldn't notice (I suspect the latter). I was referencing people stumbling due to policies that later were changed, that in hindsight proved that they were right all along. You have not at all answered why God would allow THIS, nor can you prove Biblically that this occured back in Jesus' day.
It is as if Jehovah changed policies on the Jews. He allowed them to cultivate certain false expectation as to what the Christ was and was not supposed to do, and when those expectations weren't realized it served to stumble people.
God does not change. Of course he ALLOWED them to cultivate false expectations--it's called FREE WILL! I am not questioning that fact! But the important point that you totally miss here is the false expectations have proven to be just that--FALSE!!!!!!!! They have been proven the test of time, and their expectations didn't years later actually prove to be true, did they????? Why can't you see the WT org. is the exact opposite of first century history???? Numerous doctrinal flip flops have occured throughout the years that have proven naysayers right all along in hindsight! Show me Biblically wer this has occured once, let alone hundreds of times as in the case of the WT.
many were stumbled and disturbed when he told his disciples that they had to eat his flesh and drink his blood. They likely reasoned as you do, that if Jesus were the Christ he wouldn't say such things.
When did Jesus reveal at a later date that he was wrong and that they shouldn't eat his flesh and drink his blood? Again, those that were stumbled were wrong, weren't they? Nothing has changed. Now, if it did, than absolutely, I would question whether Jesus was Christ. But it didn't happen did it? So, step outside and look in, and it is your reasoning that is severely flawed when it comes to the WT being God's organization!
David was one of Israel's finest kings and yet he caused the nation to stumble when he ordered a census to be taken. So your reasoning is faulty and that's why you set yourself up to be stumbled.
Show me in the Bible where the view of those stumbed because of the census reveal itself to be "new light" after all? You simply can't do it, can you? I nominate you to be poster child for faulty reasoning! I bet you got crushed in debates in school, didn't you?
If you are following men then natuarally you are eventually going to stumble over their shortcomings. It's inevitable.
Thank you very much! Those are the most prophetic words I've ever seen come out of your posts! Now apply this to the WT Society, and maybe you will finally open your eyes. Many unfortunately have been stumbled away from God indefinitely because of the faulty teachings of the men of the GB.
But those who truly love God and rely on his wisdom and not their own are safeguarded from being stumbled.[/QUOTE]
Fortunately, many people have only been stumbled away from the WT Society, and not God, because they truly love God and rely on His wisdom, and have been released from the teachings of men.
[ Profile Above ] Re: You Know and Yadirf.... Mar 10, 2002 10:16
I apologize for the poor formatting, I am still fairly new and see I messed up a couple times, most notably at the bottom--I superimposed my reply within You Know's quote.
Oh yeah, and You Know--I'm also still waiting for your explanation on where in the Bible the GB deciphers that certain parts of blood are okay, but others are not?