September 11, 2001

by teenyuck 2 Replies latest jw experiences

  • teenyuck

    I am watching the news and crying...I did not see the CBS special or 60 Minutes last night; I just heard a phone call someone made from the 86th floor of the first tower...he was trapped and called his wife to tell her he loved her and was trying to get out...

    I can recall having on NBC that morning...I switch between that and CNBC.

    When the reporters tried to understand what was happening, other reporters were running to the WTC to see what had happened...

    As the images were shown, it was terrifying....I, like many, thought it was a small plane that the information came out that it was a jumbo jet, the feeling was a profound feeling of illness....

    As the news shows watched the first tower burn, the second airline came and right before our eyes crashed into the second tower....then 30 minutes later, the Pentagon was hit...then a plane hijacked in Pennsylvania.

    I will never forget that...I had called my husband to tell him what happened; as we spoke I screamed and told him a second plane crashed...he said he had to go and hung up...

    Later that day, my husband phoned and told me that his company had a group of people who had went to New York for the spring fashion shows. Some of those people were going to the WTC to meet with other companies. Luckily, no one from my husband's company was injured or hurt.

    I will never forget the images of people jumping from windows on the top floors; I will never forget the scenes of horror on people's faces as they ran from the area, covered with ash; I will never forget hearing that hundreds of NYPD and NYFD personnel were in the buildings, trying to save people.

    I hope everyone who reads this will remember that the bravery of the rescue people and the people who helped others get out....please remember the people who jumped, thinking they were going to die anyway....please remember the people who died.

    Every time I see a story about this or hear the Star Spangled Banner, I cry...I just cannot forget those images...

  • jaded

    The CBS special last night was amazing. I was glued to the TV. It gave a whole new perspective to 9/11. If it is repeated do not miss it!

  • BluesBrother

    Hello Puffsrule,

    I dont believe that the rest of us can really appreciate the personal feelings of loss and horror that American people feel over these events.

    We know in our heads how shocking it was , but you feel it in your heart

    Our thoughts and care are with you.

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