Fleshly families and opposition...

by detective 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • detective

    I found this on Purelanguage.net.

    What a heartbreaking thread.


    an excerpt:

    "Well, my dad and step mom has never dealt with it nicely.

    When I was younger they took my mom to court over it. And won. I was not allowed to go to meetings and was forced to celebrate holidays. But, my dad gave that up because he was tired of me moping during that time. And making him feel bad, he said.

    They still say bad things about me and JWs in general. Yet, have never took time to really learn much about us.

    Right now, my brohter is sort of interested in a witness girl. My dad and step mom are having a cow over it. In fact they took my brothers money so that he couldn't go and see her. But, he went and seen her any way. It wasn't a date, he was just going to see her at work. He's 17, will be 18 next month, and the sister is 16.5.

    Any way, personally I just become close to my spiritual family and try to not let them bother me. I let them believe what they want. And I know I have the truth, and that's all that matters to me.

    It used to sadden me that my dad may die at armegeddon, but now I know what ever Jehovah's will is will be done. And Jehovah is just and fair. So I do not worry over it any more.

    I just try to study and stay close the the congregation. And really I have no friends outside the congregation in general. Congregation meaning the whole assoiation of brothers world wide.

    Besides, family meaning people like my fleshly brother. I really do not have any friends who are not witnesses. And I limit my association with my worldly family as well..."

    It's pretty sad seeing families suffer as a result of religion.

  • myMichelle

    Interesting thread...

    I wonder what the poster who said this:

    I told them that it was my life and my decision and that I had as much right to choose my religion as they had to choose theirs.
    I said, in effect, "If you don't like it - Tough!"
    They all stopped calling round to our house and they all stopped speaking to me, my wife and our little lambs.
    That was more than thirty years ago.
    Have any of them changed? No - and it's their loss not mine. They have missed out on having my wonderful wife as part of their lives.
    would do if one of his children made the same decision he did and joined a religion different than the one they were raised in?

    Overall, the thread just proved to me that no one group of people, or religion, holds the monopoly on small-minded people.


    Oh yes, I admire books. I still do. They can preserve a truth for twice a thousand years and teach it to any who has the skill and cares to read it. They can also fix a lie in stone forever. i]--Alice Borchardt, [i]The Dragon Queen

  • detective

    Unrelated but equally disturbing...

    "Recently we had a brother and his wife visiting from Bethel. Both congregations from our city met at the hall for his slide presentation one evening and on Sunday for the talk. It was sooo peaceful even if the Hall was really full of people. I sat there for awhile looking around and was thinking since we are all here anyway and safe, wouldn't it be nice to open the doors when this is over and find armageddon happened and the new world is about to start!!"

    Just how long do these meetings last anyway? Years of build up for an armageddon that lasts- what?- less than a couple of hours?

  • 2SYN

    Sounds BORING to me!

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • teejay

    Interesting thread, detective.

    My plans are for my daughter to never become a witness, but it's her decision and I will fully support whatever decision she makes. Other than insisting that she go to college, I have no desire to place ANY demands on how she lives her life when she reaches adulthood.

    The non-JW father that is giving his children grief is clearly acting in a way that is counter-productive. If he'd only stop and think, he'd see that his behavior is making them even stronger JWs. How foolish!

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