I'm in need of advice or just other opinions or experiences. This is kinda directed to xjw's who have spent their whole lives in the org and had to leave lifelong friends and family behind when they left. Especially, single parents..if there are any others out there I'd like to hear from you.
My question has to do with what system you have in place to make sure of your childs future in the event of something happening to you. Meaning who is have you listed as your childs legal guardian should you die tomorrow.
I know that sounds scary but its something I still think about. I always just automatically figured that my son would live with and be raised by my family if anything happened to me. But now I would do anything in my power to prevent him from having the kind of life I did in that org. The non-jw part of my family unfortunately is almost as bad with their drugs and mental problems and I dont feel comfortable enough with any of them to ask something so important. And I am starting all over with making friendships with people 'in the world' and it would be a long while before I knew someone well enough to even think about asking them and even then theres a good chance circumstances or personality or whatever would make them an unsuitable choice.
So what do you do? If I dont have something legal in place my family will automatically get him if something happens and I really dont want that. This has always bothered me but now it is really starting to worry me because I'm going for a gallbladder ultrasound and my doctor says it might have to come out. Any surgery is risky and I would feel a lot better going in if I knew that my son would grow up happy and healthy if I dont wake up.
comments? personal experiences?