Am I the only one bothered by the way the JW's refer to the memorial as a celebration of the death of Jesus?
I understand that Jesus said to keep the tradition of the last meal, but should it be referred to as a celebration?
This should be a solemn occasion and not one we would look forward to celebrating. Just my opinion....
celebrating the death of Jesus
by blindfool 9 Replies latest jw friends
It IS a solemn occasion! Have you seen the sad, serious look on their faces during and after the Memorial? (Or for that matter assemblies and meetings in general....)
The preceding post was not evaluated by any mental health professionals.
The opinions expressed are those of a fuzzy, cuddly rodent. -
Pierced Angel
Well, it was like going to a wedding, everyone always wears their finest clothes and we'd always end up going out to eat and drink afterwards with most from our hall.
One time at Applebees, the waitress asked what the special occasion was (seeing there were so many of us there all dressed up on a weeknight). The one sister says "We just attended a memorial" and the waitress looked all serious and said "oH, I'm sorry to hear that" and the sister retorts with "OH, we're happy about it, it's the memorial of Jesus' death and we're celebrating!".The waitress seemed quite confused at that, lol.
I think a celebration of death ends up sounding like "better him than us". Which, on some levels, I think might be subconsciously true. I'm thinking that if you spend all of your days trying desperately to avoid death, someone else dying so you don't have to would be cause to celebrate.
Will Power
Since I never read or see any evidence of it, is there any celebration of the resurrection, the core of christianity - The GOOD NEWS?
Seems they make a fuss in the death of what they call the Abaddon, the destroyer, king of the abyss, yet it was the next day that he died. They morn the death on the night before of the character defined in any dictionary as the devil. I'd be certainly having second thoughts of consuming the emblems of that celebration.
Is that a hidden agenda?
Is that something a false prophet would do?
Hi All,
Christ died, but so has everyone before and since he was here. The only difference, so the bible says, is he was only dead 3 days and now is alive forevermore. Do you think he really had a choice? Would he have been approved of God had he not went along with God's plan? Do you think God asked him if he would like to go down and be born a human and die and he said sure, that's fine with me but why can't you just forgive those with a good heart and save me the pain? Why must you sacrifice me, your only begotten son so you can forgive all those sinners? His answer might have been, "well I could but all those animals just don't seem too work, they need to know just how much I love them, so I will have you killed, that ought to do it."
But that wasn't enough for many religions, they wanted God to die for them so the trinity doctrine was invented, so now we eat God and drink his blood. But after all is said and done we all just die like we always have, after thousands of years nothing has changed. When is that sacrifice going to be applied?
Ken P.
This reminds me of something from a Buddhist funnies site:
This morning, I received one of those rude mails. The person wrote me this one-line mail:
The site is at:"budda is dead you moron move on with your life"
And I replied:
You are alive, friend, move on with Buddha's death.
- Tan Chade Meng -
Mister Biggs
Can't you see it's a happy occasion???
L. Ron Hubbard was killed by fire ants.
Thanks for the picture Mr.B.
What a strange thing to be so happy about taking a glass of wine and passing it on without partaking.
And then as Pierced Angel says, everyone goes to eat at Applebees or somewhere similar. Maybe wine is ordered at dinner to satisfy the thirst for the wine that was refussed at the KH. I wonder if anyone orders unleavened bread?And its never mentioned at the memorial (at least I don't remember it being mentioned)that on the third day Jesus was raised from the dead. I asked about this once and was told that the resurection was only a validation of the sacrifice.