Well that's all I can think of right now, Know Jehovah How? Dah read the book and find out personally maybe knowing jehovah ain't what it is all cracked up to be:
'Know Jehovah How' book page 286
What a thrilling moment it will be when, during the coming "great tribulation" on this present system of things, the authentic news comes from all around the earth that the antitypical Jerusalem, Christendom, has fallen at the hands of Jehovah's executional forces! This will be a vindication of the modern-day Ezekiel class, to authenticate that they have not been a false prophet…
Of course all this was written in 1972 and as yet the Nations have not come to know Jehovah and no vindication of the WT corporation claims to being a genuine prophet like organization after the distruction of the whole world with only corporation member still left standing alive in the mist of vast ruins and empty buildings. tsk tsk