I've always wondered how people who partake in the emblems of christ know that they belong to the anointed class. What signs or symptons do these people experience? Does Gabriel appear in naked in their dreams? I'm more inclined to believe it is a case of false diagnosis, mistaking natural biological symptoms for the holy spirit. I think it is highly probable that these people are experiencing the onset of menopause, side affects from viagra or hallucinations from medication.
anointed class gimmicks
by edster 4 Replies latest jw friends
Mister Biggs
Rutherford appears in their dreams to inform them they have been chosen.
You are correct about being naked, though.
Rutherford is naked riding a multi-colored horse since all the other horses of color are spoken for already (see Revelation). -
The majority of JW who proclaim to be anointed do so because they reach a point in their Bible reading and connecting with God that allows them to overcome the 'fear' tactics created by the Watchtower corporation designed to discourage such professed anointing.
The JW religion is false, and hence their position on anointing being exclusive to 144,000 is false. The notions that JW anointed have to have some sensational electrifying experience is also false. Some JWs who profess to be anointed swaer by such experiences, but according to their own religion, it does not exist. See the official WT policy stated in 1952 and never withdrawn: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=7411&site=3#86972
Reading the Bible in context, anointing is one of many features of being Christian ... it is nothing grand, special, or more important than anything else ... such as being a 'King' or 'Priest' or 'Holy Nation' ... or a collective 'Bride' of Christ ... etc ... these are merely descriptors to help Christians relate the their anchor in Judaism ... but as individuals there were to be no ranks, classes, or heirarchy, or special positions ... are are equal before God, Jews, Gentiles, Greeks, Romans, men, women, slave, freeman, etc. ... all stand the same before God.
Organized religion is what creates inequality by assigning importance to a descriptor and makes it into a position ... Catholics ordain Priests, Bishops, Cardinals, Pope ... JWs have a GB, DO, CO, Elders, Mormons have 12 Apostles, on and on ... if we stop the organization ... we find that faith is purely an individual relationship with God ... and descriptors take their rightdul place as helping the Christian to appreciate various facets of that relationship ... mostly being an adopted child of God. Anything developed beyond that becomes a human attempt to create something outside the will of God and example of Christ.
thanx amazing
[quote]I think it is highly probable that these people are experiencing ..... side affects from viagra [\quote]
Nooooooo, not the ones I used to know !