Last night I was doing some reading over the internet. I came across something that caught my attention. The link is at if you want to read more. This is taken from the JW elder's manual. Page 133
Divorce and remarriage was not Jehovah's original
purpose for man.
The Scriptures urge married persons to remain together as
"one flesh."
(Gen. 2:22-24; Matt. 19:4-6; 1 Cor. 7:10-16;w83 3/15 p. 29)
Many marital problems can be resolved by following the
principle of Matthew 18: 15.
The Law of Moses allowed the husband, not the wife to
divorce on broad grounds of "something indecent."
(Deut. 24:1)
Jesus Christ strengthened the marriage arrangement for
Christians but gave equal right of divorce to the wife.
(Mark l0:11, 12)
Now my question is involving the part I underlined. Why would they even bring up the part of The Law of Moses? I got the impression that they are pushing the woman down to a lower level than the man, but on the same token it is sounding like double talk. Can any one inlighten me with your thoughts on this?
The truth can never be hurt by a lie,
but a lie can be exposed by the truth.