Forms and documents sent lately! . These are being posted out of respect for the person who sends us the BOE letters and Kingdom Ministries. Even he feels that some of these forms and documents aren't worth much, but at least you are being given the opportunity to judge for yourself. . Forms: (Wait a second or two for full image) . ServiceMaster Clean On-Site Pre-Inspection . ServiceMaster Clean Work Order (Look between the boxes for reference to Kingdom Hall or Assembly Hall) . ServiceMaster Clean Carpet Cleaning Tips . Supplier Information Form (Waste Management National Services, Inc. . Instructions For Kingdom Hall Operating Committee Accounting Pg.1. . Pg.2. . Pg.3. . Pg.4. . Theocratic Ministry School Review Answer Sheet Covering Assignments For Weeks Of November 5 Through December 31, 2012. . Pg.1. . Pg.2. . BOE-August 16, 2012 (Re: Charitable Planning Brochure) . . Atlantis
2012 Forms and documents sent recently!
by Atlantis 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
is it possible to get a PDF of them also? Thanks.
St George of England
Thanks Atlantis. Nothing like a word for word correct answer in the Oral Review!
I love the way the society said that the answers to the school questions need to be 'In harmony with our present understanding'
In other words it could change tomorrow, but today this is the answer. lol
I'll post my story when I'm back from work later today and no, I've never been a Witness. Long story short, I fell in love and cracked my head on this roadblock.
Anyways, the last document caught my eye. Should it be considered odd that the Charitable Planning Brochure is going to only be available upon request and not available at the literature counter? Are these literature counters that small?
Are there other publications that are only available upon request?
This may be a sillier question - but then, what do I know. If a secretary has to issue the document, is this transaction then reported to an elder? That would be over the top, right?
Given the cutbacks, I'm hoping the WT is not asking it's congregant elders to have follow-up conversations pressuring the requestor for property of any value.
NeverKnew - Welcome to the forum!! I also think it's interesting that the Charitable Planning brochure isn't to be kept as normal stock at the literature desk. I suspect it has something to do with the brochure's silly claim that the Society doesn't solicit funds (even though they publish a detailed 32-page brochure telling publishers how to donate, and make its existence widely known). By including it in the congregation's regular literature inventory, they are making it freely available to EVERYONE, including those who before seeing it on the literature desk may not have even considered donating. By making it only available through elders, they are covering themselves against claims that they are soliciting funds (which they are anyway). I think that's the reason.
Thanks to Atlantis for making that letter available.
Elders are suppose to "question" any and all about "a motive." It's part of their job to "judge" 'all' things! Part of their 'not open book' policies.
It makes me sick, the question about Joel and all the others. I'm tempted to show up, for example the question about Joel prophecy. That prophecy is repeated many times over in all of the prophet books slightly different. The problem with the WT and most religions, they look at a prophecy and try to interpret it just based on the one scripture, not realizing it's repeated in many forms, as you combine them, the possible interpretations are greatly reduced as you try to find an understanding that's in harmony with all of them.