Speak your mind...

by OneDayillBeFree 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • OneDayillBeFree

    That's something most (if not all JW's) rarely get to do.

    And it's something I've started embracing for a while. At the meeting I was talking to some of the younger crowd and they were expressing their sadness about the congregation splitting. One of the girls said that it would be nice because then you could make more "friends". Another girl was quick to reply and said that she didn't want to make any new friends.

    I agreed with the second sister. Others said that they didn't know how it would be.

    I then stepped in and said, "yeah isnt it funny how easy it is to make friends at school or at work but how difficult it is to make friends in the hall?"

    Then one of the girls said "yeah, umm... I know right? Thats something I've wanted to say before but just never had the guts to say..."

    I smiled. "You shouldnt be afraid to say something or do what you feel is right. We have a brain... most of us anyway, and we should use it. We're not robots you know..."

    The other sister looked at me and said, "but the faithful slave says that independent thinking isn't always good".

    To which I replied, "I just like to follow Jesus' example. He spoke his mind. He didn't seem to care what the pharisees thought about him did he? He wasnt afraid."

    Before she could make the connection I had just made between the "faithful slave" and the Pharisees, another sister came up and started complimenting her looks.

    All the people in the group seemed to agree with me and then they just walked away to other things.

    It's nice to be able to think and to show it. It seems to amaze the brothers since they cant do it. The elders don't seem to like the sheep using their noodle but once they it on, it's pretty damn hard to turn it off.

  • Phizzy

    Well done OneDay ! to use your position of being (reluctantly) in the cult to help others begin to reason is a noble thing. So much pressure from the WT is exerted to stop the Jehovah's Witnesses from thinking that any balancing words from someone such as you are of immense value.

    Keep using your undercover status to plant seeds, they do grow those seeds you know, with all of us who have left it was the Cognitive Dissonance building up to an explosive level that spurred us on to make the move, keep dropping those thoughts for the JW's to absorb.

  • Thor

    Good for you oneday!

    I agree with phizzy about using your undercover status to plant seeds! As long as your doing the slow fade you may help others along the way. Remember to be careful though if you do not want to be caught.

    Hang in there!

    Love, Mrs. Thor

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades


    kudos x 1000

    i wish i had your guts in those days

  • flipper

    ONEDAYILLBEFREE- Awesome example by you ! Well done ! Do you realize how many JW's you might have influenced in a positive way at that meeting by those comments you made ? Not only the people standing around you but as we all know, JW's talk - so different ones may spread the word. Good job. Get the JW masses thinking and in time they may just think their way out of the organization. And that's a good thing. Peace out, MR. Flipper

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    ODIBF said:

    "To which I replied, "I just like to follow Jesus' example. He spoke his mind. He didn't seem to care what the pharisees thought about him did he? He wasnt afraid."

    And remember how well THAT "speaking your mind" thing worked out for him in the end, lol! It's good you are trying to break others free, too, but don't do it at the risk of jeopardizing saving yourself. There is no heroism award waiting for you on the other side, so when it comes to exiting a cult it's every man for himself.... In other words, I would tread lightly, and ask if its worth saving what are actually strangers (what JWs refer to as 'friends', some who'd turn against you at the slightest whiff of suspicions).. There's also the question of practicing what you preach, so keep your eye on YOUR prize: your own personal liberation.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    ODIBF- You did good!!!

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    CONGRATS ODIBF That was excellent. I love how you made reference to the Pharisees without actually saying the GB are like the Pharisees. Planting small seeds is the way to go. You worded it in such a way that if someone were to tell someone what you said, you'd be able to pass it off as they must have misunderstood. -Leslie-

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