A freind Sticking Closer Than A Brother
by smiddy 6 Replies latest jw experiences
Very deep. I have to meditate on it before I can respond LOL.
BTW, what's the problem in this board?
Proverbs 18:24
There exist companions disposed to break one another to pieces, but there exists a friend sticking closer than a brother.
This is one of my favorites. I used to work this into many a talk asking in some form or other "what kind of friend are you?". Good friends, those who love you regardless, are priceless and few.
Thanks for reminding us.
LoisLane looking for Superman
SadElder, I like your name and what you have to say. Good friends, where have they gone? I am a social butterfly. I've been in the truth all my life. I organized gatherings, party's etc. I could be counted on to not just bring great food but flowers, table decorations, flare and fun. Now after outing to the elders my horrid life with a spirit anointed (my eye) abusive elder husband, I am not at the hall and I have no friends. This is a beautiful day! I want to go to a party!
When I think of 1/2 of a century knowing jw's, circuit overseers, district overseers, some gov'body members, a few Bethelites, some of them I really liked, and I will miss. I hope they will miss me too. I can't think of any way to get them out. They will have to come to that realization that their religion is a sham themselves.
My old pioneer partner, was actually out before me, so we still have each other but live too many miles apart to visit.
Lonely? Yes.
Depressed? Yes.
Sometimes I cry myself to sleep. The whole awfulness of it all.
You sound like you were one of the good guy elders. I am glad you are out.
What I`m really asking here is , in the religion ,did we really find a freind sticking closer than a brother ?
Sad to say I don`t think so .
wow, the irony...
the first time i found this kind of friend, was when i started accepting non-jw friends.
I was always taught that the best friends were family. Then my family turned on me.
I've had good friends both inside the religion and out. But JW friends will not stick with you if the elders tell them not to.