Greg Stafford's New Book - 3 Dissertations on JWs

by ros 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • ros

    Greetings, all:

    The book some of you have been waiting for, "Three Dissertations on Jehovah's Witnesses" by JW apologist Greg Stafford is published and will begin shipping in about a week. If you're interested, it is available from Elihu Books at this URL:

    Stafford has done some additional study and research relative to Watchtower chronology, and there has been some rumour that he may be advocating a softer organizational stance on it, although I have not read the book yet, so it will be interesting to see what he says.

    Here's the table of contents:
    Table of Contents

    Why Three Dissertations?

    Authority Among Jehovah's Witnesses

    The Authority of the "Great Crowd" ..............7
    The Authority of the "Faithful Slave" ..........15
    Charles T. Russell - "The Faithful Slave"? .....34
    Notes to the First Dissertation ................40

    Jehovah's Witnesses' Chronology

    1798 ...........................................64
    1799 ...........................................65
    1829 ...........................................65
    1840 ...........................................66
    1844 ...........................................66
    1846 ...........................................67
    1859 ...........................................67
    1873 ...........................................68
    1874 ...........................................69
    1875 ...........................................71
    1878 ...........................................72
    1881 ...........................................75
    1908 ...........................................79
    1910 ...........................................80
    1914 ...........................................81
    1915 ...........................................94
    1918 ...........................................98
    1919 ..........................................101
    1921 ..........................................101
    1922 ..........................................102
    1924 ..........................................103
    1925 ..........................................103
    1926 ..........................................109
    1975 ..........................................110
    Conclusion ....................................115
    Notes to the Second Dissertation ..............116

    "Food at the Proper Time"

    The Identity of God and His Son ...............155
    The Name of God ...............................163
    Blood Transfusions ............................170
    Legalism ......................................197
    Notes to the Third Dissertation ...............212

    Have the "Gentile Times" Ended? ...............239

    Bibliography ..................................259
    Index .........................................277

    "A religion that teaches lies cannot be true"--The Watchtower, 12/1/91 pg. 7

  • LittleToe

    I don't know if it was hype to get people buying the book, but I heard that some of his statements, on chronology, may be putting him in line to get DF'ed.
    Just a rumour - I apologise, in advance, if it is unfounded.

  • hawkaw

    Thanks Ros,

    Good to talk to you again.

    I am looking forward to this one.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi Ros, et al,

    Thanks for the ``heads up'' on teh book's release. I praise the nobility of Greg's intent, but I think he labors under the old delusion that the `truth'' JW-style, is intellectually defensible.

    There's no question that chronolgy, of whch they make so much, is their Achilles Heel.

  • amccullough

    Thanks for the post, I've had my copy on order for months and was beginning to wonder if Elihu books was even still in business!

  • ros

    To Little Toe:
    Greg has been pretty candid about his views in private e-mail and posting on Channel C. I'm anxious to see if he will be as explicit in his presentations in the book (in the appendix).

    To: Room 215:
    Hi, guy. You posted me some time ago, and I have lost your e-mail address. Would like talk a bit in private if you will e-mail me again. [email protected]

    "A religion that teaches lies cannot be true"--The Watchtower, 12/1/91 pg. 7

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