This morning I had a bizarre dream. First off I was taking a road trip with my mother and some other witnesses (bad enough). They really wanted to go to a meeting in the city that I grew up in, so I say fine, whatever. I’ll wait in the car.
So I am laying in the backseat of the car reading a book when my mother comes out and tells me the elders want to talk to me, Neil Mingo & Al Williams. Great. The scary authority figures from my youth. I tell her if they want to talk to me they can come out to the parking lot and talk.
So they come out to the car. They tell me that since I was in the JW parking lot they would have to disfellowship me. Wait a min. I thought JW dogma (I just saw the movie) was if I was a willful sinner and walked through the doors of the kingdom hall THEN I cold be disfellowshipped, when did this extend the parking lot?
I woke up after I asked the question. Still telling both elders off in my mind, and what I would tell them if I had the chance.
I can't remember the last KH or JW dream I had...that's a good thing, right?
But when I first left, the damn things plagued me constantly. It was ok though, as I was used to having frequent nightmares about Armageddon going all the way back to when I was a child. I hope my lack of Witless dreams means that the old brainwashing no longer has a hold on me.
BTW...I once had a dream about naked elders and demons in a barn...thanks for reminding me!
Last night was my turn for a JW dream invasion too, by the "Sister"/"best friend" who told me (in real life!) that if I turned my back on The Truth™ that my kids would be better off if I took them out in the back yard and blew their heads off with a gun. She had taken it upon herself to asphyxiate my son by blasting spray paint in his face.
I woke up before I saw anything else. It was about 4am and I couldn't get back to sleep until about 6am.