When you were a JW did you eva......

by VioletAnai 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • VioletAnai

    Go out witnessing and have such a really bad day - doors slamming in your face, sun pounding down, Elder and Wife Perfect have placed 100 mags in the last half hour while your struggling to shove a tract under the door of not at home after not at home and you're standing at a door with the most obnoxious, smallminded half-wit, who won't let you get a word in edge-wise - that you just loose yer cool and go off, I mean really go off?

    I'm curious cause apparantly alot of witnesses used to do this and that's why you now have to 'qualify' to become an unbaptized publisher!

    You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room

  • Simon

    no ... but "ping" an idea just struck me: imagine the welcome they'd get if the previous JWs were very insulting? (or of course people pretending to be JWs he he he )

  • Francois

    Do you remember that scene in The Return of the Jedi where R2D2 and C3PO walk up to the door of Jabba's palace? C3PO taps on the door with barely audible force and immediately announces "No one home. Too Bad. Come back later" and starts walking off? That's the way I did field service. That is, that's the way I did it when I was working by myself.

    I always made a big show out of going alone. Big. Strong. Fearless. Then, just as soon as I got by myself, I'd make like I was taping on the door, stand around for a minute, drop an old issue of Awake on the mat and tear-ass down the sidewalk before anyone could come to the door.

    If someone came to the door, I'd say, "Is this the Quackenbush residence? No? Sorry to have bothered you. Bye." So all my "placements" were old mags left at not at homes. If you were home, you didn't get shit but an odd question. And that was only on those days when I got roped into going into a territory instead of the Waffle House.

    My momma didn't raise me to be no door to door magazine peddler for a fuckin' religious cult.


    NOTE TO GOVERNING BODY: You've been challenged to a debate, boys. Dont you have ANY balls?

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hi there Vi

    Yeah I've had those 'bad hair' days...many times. Lots of negative things would happen all in one day...I used to ask myself why I kept doing it. Answer was....because I HAD to. Can't honestly say I loved it...although I did enjoy the fellowship...and I think that was the only thing keeping me in for many years...it sure wasn't my faith.


  • chezza

    Yeah i remember many bad days, but the classic i remember the most was not by me, a certain sister in the cong didnt like to hear about sex or anything sex related or even anything to do with female stuff, in fact she would go to the toilet if it was getting discussed in the meeting just so she wouldnt hear it, one day she was out witnessing with a lovely older sister who asked her why she wasnt feeling well and was it " that time of the month" well she got so angry with her, at the door mind you,they were waiting for someone to answer it, she told her off and said how dare you talk to me like that and walked off and went home, i thought it was very funny when the sister told me.

  • safe4kids


    no ... but "ping" an idea just struck me: imagine the welcome they'd get if the previous JWs were very insulting? (or of course people pretending to be JWs he he he )
    What a great idea!!! LOLOL Man, I'm sooooo tempted....BUT I threw out all my old JW clothes...hmmm. Wonder if people would still fall for it if I showed up in black stockings and a short skirt?



  • Beans

    I am happy to say that I cannot remember the last time I went in service and don`t recall anything except trying to stand behind my parents so knowbody would see me.


  • Beck_Melbourne

    [email protected] a classic...we had one too...I once said 'does anyone want a drink of cock' instead of coke...quite by accident of course...and people always get the giggles when this sort of thing happens. Our sister 'classic' was NOT impressed...my face went red but hers went blue with rage lol...geez...u gotta laugh!


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