I should add that, even though the media is under Satan's control, the Governing Body may use it at their discretion as-and-when they wish.
(Bearing Witness, page 110)
But, apart from the above, the media is under Satan's control, understand? You could say that he loans it to them against his will. This must have been what happened in the news report above. The news channel was forcibly loaned to the Governing Body by Satan, just for this report.
For those who haven't already seen it, this concept is (sort of) explained in this video...
It's interesting how the report quotes the "organizers" as claiming that the "church population" grew "by 3 to 4% this year", even though (1) the figures for this year (2012) have yet to be released, and (2) the figures for LAST year show growth in America of 3%, which was rounded up from an actual figure of 2.68% - hardly "3 to 4%". Maybe we can put this exaggeration down to "theocratic warfare".
It's also a shame they misspelled the religion as "Jehova's Witnesses" in the opening title. That glitch must have been Satan's doing.