It is Fathers day here in Australia Today ,and I congratulate all fathers who are present on this board especially those trying to save their offspring from this cult.

by smiddy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy

    This being fathers day here I am empathising fathers ,but it equally applies to mothers,when we were beleivers as parents we wanted the best for our children that was afforded us within the bounds of religous constrictions .What we did in that timeframe was the best we could do for our offspring under those circumstances.As parents we beleived it wholesouled and wanted our children to benefit by it. That was when we were beleivers now that we are,not opens up a new ball game.We have to set new priorities ,how do we go from promoting JW doctrine to bagging JW doctrine,it is not an easy swap.Young children hang on every word of their parents ,if the parent reverses their thinking whoa it`s a major crises for the young mind.

    maybe we need to do a little bit more in depth discussion about how we handle this problem


  • jwfacts

    Thank you. I am lucky. My child was born after I left. He is 4 and a half. This morning he bought me a beautiful framed photo of the two of us that he had made in day care. What a wonderful morning, and I am glad I could enjoy it, rather than discipline him as I would have if I was a JW.

  • FadeToGrey

    I am a proud father of a 9 month buetiful boy. We only had him because we came out of the false.

    And decided to have a child while we still could. So many childless couples in this stupid religion.

    He's the best thing we ever did. Love him so much.

    And he got me a Google nexus 7 tablet for my 1st fathers day

    A proud Aussie day from Melbourne!

  • flipper

    SMIDDY- Good thread. I tip my hat to people like our own Aussie Oz who recently had his teenage daughter move in with him as she escaped from the clutches of JW cult parents - Aussies JW ex-wife and her JW husband. I agree with you as to how important it is for those of us who raised our children in the JW cult without knowing how dangeous it was - to now try and educate our children ( some of them adult children in my case ) to see the importance of freedom of mind and escaping further damage fom the WT society.

    Even though my 27 yr.old son exited the JWs many years ago- I am determined still in the next 6 months or so to implement tactics from reading Steve Hassan's new book " Freedom of Mind - Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs " to help my 25 & 24 yr.old JW daughters to gradually see the dangers of the WT society. It may take time, but I've got time on my side. I 'm the type of person who doesn't give up. I keep trying. To all of you parents who are being shunned by your children please- never give up. Something can happen in your JW adult childrens lives which may wake them up ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • clarity

    Strangely enough I never realized that Fathers Day in Australia, would be

    today, instead of in June (Canada) !!!

    Maybe it has something to do with not celebrating it at all for 50 yrs!

    Anyway, to all you lovely daddies in Auz,

    have a wonderful day with the kids.

    And if by chance they are shunning you ... keep your chin up,

    things can change. Know that you are not alone.


  • fakesmile

    happy fathers day to all the dads. and this beer is for mine. i miss you. awnry bastard

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