Can anyone supply a color scan of the front and back of the currently used Advanced Medical Directive card?
(or whatever it is called now)
by VM44 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Can anyone supply a color scan of the front and back of the currently used Advanced Medical Directive card?
(or whatever it is called now)
It seems like they are state/country specific
OKM 2004 12/4
New Provision to Assist Us to Abstain From Blood
The Governing Body has approved combining the essential elements of the durable power of attorney (DPA) document and the Advance Medical Directive/Release card into a single legal document, which we shall refer to generally as a DPA card. A DPA card has been prepared for each state. The actual title of the DPA card varies from state to state.
You will need to fill out the DPA card for your state of residence only. The DPA card is valid indefinitely anywhere in the United States and will serve as a statement of your wishes when you travel internationally. In the future, you should fill out a new DPA card if (1) you need to make any changes to your DPA card, such as changing your wishes, health-care agents, addresses, and telephone numbers, or (2) your DPA card has been lost or destroyed.
The DPA card should be prayerfully considered and carefully filled out at home. However, before signing the card, it is important that the legal formalities be closely followed. For example, if your card says that two witnesses are required to see you sign, they should be present when you sign it. Book study overseers may periodically check with those who have not filled out new cards to see if assistance is needed.
Before folding the DPA card, make good-quality photocopies for your health-care agent, alternate health-care agent, and doctor as well as for your own records. You may also want to provide copies for other family members and the congregation secretary. Copies should be single-sided on standard-size (8 1/2″ x 11″) paper, with the DPA card centered on the page. The original DPA card, not a photocopy, should be kept on your person.
The Identity Card with the print date of 3/99 for unbaptized children of Witness parents has not changed. Parents should ensure that a card for each minor child is properly filled out and signed and that the child carries it at appropriate times.
Unbaptized publishers may adapt the language of the DPA card and Identity Card in order to write out health-care instructions for themselves and their children. The secretary should provide a DPA card for all newly baptized publishers during the year.
This is a sticky topic. I've seen gone bad many times. The reason I have a DPA in three states!!! My brother, a JW, was always on my "non blood card" plus my ex!!!! One of the 1st things I did once I KNEW jw'ness was BS was get it in writing!!!! Legal writing!!!
"The Identity Card with the print date of 3/99 for unbaptized children of Witness parents has not changed."
"Identity Card"? I never knew about this. What is it, and when did The Watchtower start issuing those?
AlphaOmega posted this one but I am pretty sure that there was a more recent one.
jwfacts has a sample but no color.
Counter document to file for your child with schools, hospitals, doctors BEFORE the JW parent "forgets" to contact you in the event of an emergency requiring a treatment for your child.
Name of Minor:___________________________________________________
N ame(s) of Legal Custodian(s):_________________________________________
I am a resident of the State of ____________, over the age of 18, and fully competent to make this statement. I am a parent of the minor child, ___________________________. This minor is a resident of the state of _________.
It is my desire, in signing this document and making it available to you and your institution, to let it be know that I do not agree with and will not consent to the refusal of a blood transfusion or any similar, necessary medical treatment when it is deemed appropriate for the health of my child. The health and well-being of my child are of utmost importance to me and I respect the judgment of the medical community in this regard.
I am aware that this child may be in possession of a medical identity card distributed by Jehovah’s Witnesses. I am aware also, that the child’s mother/father may be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and conscientiously object to medical treatment involving blood and/or blood products for medical use involving this child due to religious reasons. My child is not a baptized member of Jehovah’s Witnesses and cannot fully understand the implications of taking a stand regarding a life threatening situation based on Biblical reasoning endorsed by another person. My child is also a minor and not legally capable or bound to a medical decision made on his own behalf.
I am not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and do not endorse this stand. As a parent to this child, I will be willing to sign waivers regarding the overriding of this document, if needed. I will also be willing to state this before a judge, if the matter is remanded to a court regarding the rights of my child.
I am attaching a copy of a recently published essay, "Jehovah's Witnesses, Blood Transfusions, and the Tort of Misrepresentation," in the Autumn issue of Baylor University’s Journal of Church and State, December 13, 2005.Information given to the Jehovah’s Witness parent has been proven to be a misrepresentation of the facts regarding blood and it’s use and I cannot agree with any decision not made without all the facts regarding a life-saving treatment.
I wish to be contacted in the event of a medical emergency involving this child. This may be objected to by the child’s mother/father but I am a legally recognized parent to this child and this is the lawful course. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
I can be reached at:
Address: _________________________________________________
I have filed a copy of this with my attorney and a copy has been given to the child’s mother/father.
I thank you, in advance, for your consideration in this matter.
Respectfully yours,
Your Name____________________________________________________
DATED this ________ day of _________, 2012.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _____ day of ___________, 2012.
Notary Seal
Found this on Google: