That's right- 98% of the people in this Native American community are UNEMPLOYED! They have no job--
Where is this reservation? It's in Minnesota, the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux tribe. in 1969 when they were officially recognized as a tribe they were less than 20 members with a 250 acre reservation from the 1800's. The tribe has naturally grown over the years, times were hard for them back then-
They concentrated on their dancing-
and opened a tribal business to cater to the needs of the residents of Minneapolis a short drive to the south-
They called it Mystic Lake- it proved to be a very profitable
The tribe shares all the profits with it's members, to the tune of $84,000 a month income (=1 million$ per member/yr)-
so you see it does pay to be unemployed in this tribe.
In my next life, I want to be born into one of those teepees.