UK Hospital Drama Features Blood Issue This Evening

by cofty 7 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • cofty

    Holby City this evening, starts in 20 minutes.

    "Mo and Jac are divided over a medical dilemma involving a Jehovah's Witness who insists on having a bloodless operation - but it soon becomes clear that is not the only problem ..."

  • slimboyfat

    That's a soap isn't it? I can't bring myself to watch Holby City.

    There was an excellent Radio 4 drama a couple of years ago about a JW accepting blood and fear of backlash from the congregation. I wish I had taped it.

  • cofty

    Its a dreadful programme but it is popular and will raise awareness

  • slimboyfat

    So did you watch it? I went a quick run down the coast in the car instead. I can report that the summer, such as it was, appears to be in rapid retreat.

  • Phizzy

    I don't think this drama will raise awareness as to the wacky position of JW's at all, sad to say. The writers of course got the Theology wrong, the young girl patient had lost her mum a year or so ago, and felt her Mum was "watching over her".

    The problem is that awareness is very low amongst the medical Profession and of course Drama writers. It is not easy to see how an accurate portrayel of the looney Blood Doctrine could be made in to drama, much as I would love to see it happen.

    This progamme will only reinforce the JW's in their ignorance too, it showed the young girl surviving "bloodless" sugery by the use of a Cell-saver machine. The averge JW will not see that this is no different than having a B.T as the G.B approve the use of cell-savers, and that is all that matters.

    The J.W will say to him/herself "See, it works out best if we stick to what the G.B say".

    Just to rub it in Slimboy, we are sweltering here in the deep south ! Gad ! the Heat! the Flies ! it reminds me of when I was in Poonah ! (said in the voice of Bloodnock from the "Goon" show).

  • cofty

    It was dreadful.

  • alanv

    For those in UK that have not seen it, you can catch up with it on the I player until Monday night

  • cedars

    I noticed parts of the episode are also on YouTube. I tried to watch them but couldn't bring myself to get past more than a few seconds. I hate some of the acting on BBC dramas - it just turns me off straight away.


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