NWT translated to E-sword format

by RayPublisher 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • RayPublisher

    For those of you that like to study or do research in various Bibles, E-Sword is a great resource and a free program. It can be found here:

    www. e-sword .net

    I've been looking for the NWT in E-Sword format for a loooong time, and now I don't have to use the crappy WT Library program just to look up a scripture in the NWT. Anyway, it is below if anyone wants it.


    Once you download the file just unzip the contents into your e-sword folder. BTW this place only keeps the file for 7 days then deletes it. So if someone can download it and then mirror it that would be awesome!

  • Bobcat

    Thanks RayPub

    I was curious, is this formatted for version 9 and newer?

    On another note, we had a former service desk brother in our circuit. He told me privately that basically all the brothers there were using e-sword or at least had it. I've also heard say that someone has the insight volumes converted to it.

  • RayPublisher

    @Bobcat - Yes it works with the newest version.

    I've also heard that the writing dept. has a DVD that has every single book, booklet, and magazine published by the WT corporations on it all the way back to Russell's first writings.

  • vanyell

    Dare I hope that that DVD can be made available to us poor sheeps and goats to chew on?

  • RayPublisher

    Well I don't think the leadership will EVER let loose of that if it does indeed exist...that's why the WT Library only goes back to 1950.

    Although I got a hold of a disc off the internet a few years ago that has every WT from 1879 up to 1949 as well as many *but not all* of the old books by Russell and Rutherford. No Golden Ages or Awakes though.

  • itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat

    Hey that is great. I have used ESword for about 10 years ?? Or so ..and often wanted to look at the NWT rendering to see if it jived with anything else?? Thanks so much.

  • itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat

    You guys.....I have supplied Atlantis with a ton of files and they have supplied tons to me as well. PM me or Atlantis for anything WTB&TS for sure.

  • RayPublisher

    Finally getting around to putting up a slightly more permanent link. Here it is:


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