Has the requirements to be a GB member changed over the last 20 years. I was last a JW in the 80's and at that time I thought you had to be able to remember 1914? Is my memory bad or was this a doctrine change?
GB requirements
by Scarlouie 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There have been numerous changes since then...
Currently if you knew someone who was annointed and they could remember 1914, you are the same generation as them. Which means my 9 year old boy is part of the 1914 generation!
Generation changes up to 2010 (overlapping generation)
In reality, it has always been about Watchtower Internal Politics. Not much difference from being elected a Cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church.
Ray Franz was, of course, on the original Governing Body in the 1970s - and I doubt that he was old enough to "remember the events of 1914 as an adult".
St George of England
Ray Franz was, of course, on the original Governing Body in the 1970s - and I doubt that he was old enough to "remember the events of 1914 as an adult".
I doubt he would remember 1914 at all, he wasn't born until 8 May 1922.
Thanks, St. George - that was about what I thought but I did not have the exact date of birth.
It should be pretty clear that there is not a single one of the current GB who could claim they saw and understood 1914 - and that only the smallest handful of people on earth (likely NONE of them being witnesses) are now old enough to make that claim. They would have to be 98 years old to have been BORN in 1914 - PLUS whatever years would make up the "age of accountability". If that were only 16 such a person would be 114 - which is very close to the age of the absolute oldest living persons on earth.
Hasn't changed that I know of... who can give the best colonoscpoy to current GB members with their tongues.
There has always been a single requirement to be appointed to the GB. (I know you think it's a claim to be anointed but that's not it.)
The current GB has to be aware of how much you have kissed their asses over the years.They can suggest that you start partaking if they are grooming you to switch from ass-kissing to getting yours kissed. Then you really start promoting their views (ultra ass-kissing) I can imagine there are more wondering when the GB will get back to them.
Cold Steel
My mother remembers seeing and talking to her grandfather, who used to walk down the streets wearing his Confederate uniform and limping from a battle wound. He was in his 90s when he was working in his garden and was stung by a bee. He didn't feel very well, so he went to bed early and died in bed. So my mother knew a man who was alive in the War of 1860. Man, do I feel old!