I Herd Jackson Splane to Morris never Lett Sanderson Pierce Losch.
Sentence -Name Game- using GB last names with few other words!
by rip van winkle 7 Replies latest social humour
nuthouse escapee
Splane, Lett Morris, Pierce Losch. (shame on him!) -Leslie-
No Lyman--I Herd Henschel Poetzinger smoked Gangas, started Jackson Fekel
Franz, then Lett his Suiter Sydlik Carey Grant's Chitty chunks at a Swingle Barr
Booth. Ew(art)--Groh S.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Governing_Body_of_Jehovah's_Witnesses#Governing_Body_members -
rip van winkle
Chitty was in Klein to Lett Barber Swingle with a very Fekel Jaracz in Franz. And also Herd Sanderson Groh up in a Gang -as did Schroeder.
Sydlik Losch after he got clipped by his Barber.
Poet-zinger Sullivan tossed GreenLees Suiter, Barry, from the Barr.
Neither Jackson Knorr Morris could Splane why they like to Pierce Sparlock and his Apostabuddy ( sold separately)
nancy drew
A herd of splane were on the loose
and let out the big gangas goose
the barr was broken on the fence
the hole it made was so immense
that as the gangas ran amuck
it terrified a sydlick buck
which turned and charged a rutherford
until the body had been gored
well as all beasts are so inkleined
upon the rutherford they dined
rip van winkle
Lol, Nancy! Thanks for adding your ~whimsy~ to this old thread!
I HERD it' s like the MORRIS moose,
When SANDERSON got really juiced!
No need to LETT anyone SPLANE,
But Gerrit LOSCH is one big pain!
His ego PIERCE'd beyond the sky~~
Even HE says JACKSON'S really high!
~~~rip van winkle~~~
We need to GARROTE JWs with a LEASCH, to LETT SAM HERD the goats, and PIERCE the GUY Christ as best Bethel SONOFSAM can, as SPLANED earlier at the meeting, MARKed with MOREHISSSS for action JACKSON!