Scriptures in the NWT Christian Greek Scriptures where Jehovah replaced Kurios or Theos and with no OT verse being quoted

by yadda yadda 2 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Hi, Where can I find a list of all the occurences in the Christian Greek Scriptures of the New World Translation where the word "Jehovah" has been inserted (out of the total 237 times) where the Bible writer was not quoting or paraphrasing from the Hebrew Scriptures?

  • jwfacts

    I have been searching for this for a while and think I have found what you are after. Try the website and in particular This 360 page book gives an amazing look into the topic and I think the list you are looking for is on page 132.

  • WinstonSmith

    Great link jwfacts, just added that PDF to my list of books I read on my tablet pc during the meetings......Looks interesting from a quick skim.

  • jwfacts

    How do you get away with reading a tablet? I stopped going to meetings pre smart phone. Are half the congregation playing games and surfing the web these days during meetings.

  • besty

    i guess if you can flip the current app to one that looks watchtowery then all is good

  • WinstonSmith

    I have all the books for the meeting loaded on it, plus a couple o' extracirricular ones in case the droning gets to be too much. Tablet on the lap, screen on dim, look at what you want, look up, smile and laugh with the rest of the robots from time to time, repeat. All done very carefully of course. Cautious as as serpent, innocent like a dove...

    By the way the list on page 132 of The Tetragrammaton, is pretty much what Yadda Yadda was after I think. Great work ;-)

  • slimboyfat

    Greg Stafford also has a list in his Jehovah's Witnesses Defended.

  • BluesBrother

    Thank you JWFacts.. I have downloaded it to be added to my Kindle. I like the writer's attitude:

    "This book is not Copyrighted.

    It is the desire of both the author and original publisher

    that this book be widely copied and reproduced"

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