Awake Nov 2012 Posessions

by Listener 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Listener

    From the current Awake

    "IN ORDER to be admired, some people flaunt their designerwear or other fancy belongings. In one Asian land, for example,

    the “newly rich love luxury products —imported French handbags, Italian sports cars—and even more, they love to show off

    [their wealth],” says an article in The Washington Post.

    Of course, there is nothing wrong with enjoying the fruitage of one’s labor. The Bible says: “Every man should eat and indeed drink

    and see good for all his hard work. It is the gift of God.” (Ecclesiastes 3:13) But is it wise to flaunt, or parade, our possessions? What

    does the Bible say?"

    I am amazed that basically what they are saying it is okay to work hard and buy the designerwear, even french handbags and Italian sports cars or even more - apparently there is nothing wrong at all with doing as long as you don't flaunt or parade it.

    This is such an unbalanced view to be giving christians.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    No parades of one's possessions? Dammit! Sorry, but I've gotta cancel those invites: GB says the little event I had planned is a no-go...

    I am curious about this statement:

    This is such an unbalanced view to be giving christians.

    Care to expand on that? Wasn't Jesus all about not show-boating?

  • fakesmile

    possesions do not define you. i hardly ever play pool... i have an 8 footer. and i eat with stainless steel forks, not my actual silver. and i drink sauza, not petrone. and ride an acura not BMW. good thing i hate the jw religion, they might guilt trip me into donating. kiss my grits. (and by grits i mean balls;)

  • Listener

    King Solomon these are the things I meant when I said the article presents an unbalanced view -

    It says that it is okay for christians to buy expensive luxuries, that there is nothing wrong at all without except for one stipulation, which is that it shouldn't be flaunted. There is no other warning or suggestion that there are many other considerations. For instance, the numerous traps of working hard just to buy these extravegant luxuries. Traps such as longing for these things, having to work hard at the expense of family, causing undue stress etc.

    The idea that one shouldn't flaunt these things. You can't hide these things in a cupboard or garage, they will be on display and others will see them anyway.

    What about the person who hasn't worked hard to earn these luxuries? Some people inherit large sums or have family who provide them with riches. The article has only mentioned that a person who has worked hard deserves them.

    A gift from God? Really? The materialistic world that we live in should be seen to be from the devil.

    The scripture they quoted talks only of enjoying the fruits of our labour which allow them to eat and drink, it isn't referring to that luxury Italian car.

  • Jeffro
    I am amazed that basically what they are saying it is okay to work hard and buy the designerwear, even french handbags and Italian sports cars or even more

    Well, they didn't actually say that. As is typical of JW publications on 'conscience matters', it is left fairly ambiguous as to just how much it is 'appropriate' to spend on such things.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Foir the BG, who enjoy the perks of wealth from the many gifts and handouts from the wealthy among their adoring, well-heeled brethren, the "appropriate" amount is zero!

  • WTWizard

    I hope it will be them that ends up in pitch dark when the energy crisis hits full force. In many parts of the world, they are already experiencing regular rolling blackouts and no backup generators. If people are not there showing off their fancy new lanterns, headlamps, and flashlights, how are they going to know who has them when the lights go out in their windowless Kingdumb Hell?

    And yes, I have the nice ones. I am not playing around--too bad the witlesses can't use them.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    In many parts of the world, they are already experiencing regular rolling blackouts and no backup generators.

    Hate to break it to ya, but that's how I grew up in the 80's behind the Iron Curtain - with regular rolling blackouts every winter, not even knowing what a backup generator is....

    P.S. Just noticed post 999. What will break me into the four digits?

  • kurtbethel

    "Flaunt it if you got it, but be sure to leave it to us in your will."

    - the Governing Body

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