Jehovah's Witnesses & Heart Attacks

by bj 4 Replies latest social physical

  • bj

    As ex JWs, we all know that the life of a JW is very stressing which unfortunately lead many to HEART ATTACKS. Among those, are Elders, and Regular Pioneers, etc. At the moment two cases come to my memory: A Regular Pioneer who was also part of the Translation staff in Malta (Helen Massa,which is mentioned in the Yearbook 2000, p. 125) she is still alive. And an Elder, France-Sydney Fenech, who was also part of the Assembly Committee and a memer of the HLC. Many others where complaining with chest pain, including myself.

    Do you know of any cases? (Another way of sacrificing people on the WATCHTOWER ALTAR!!!)


  • dmouse

    My Father-in-law, an elder of long standing, is in hospital as we speak with heart problems. However he is in his 70s and lots of people get heart attacks so I don't think we should blame anyone for this.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Tnere are many reasons for heart problems. When one considers such texts as Matt. 11:28, which says, "Come to me, all YOU who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon You and become my disciples, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and You will find refreshment for your souls. Foe my yoke is KINDLY and my load is LIGHT." What need is there for any person to heart problems if he follows this suggestion? What about Ps 55:22, "Throw your burden on Jehovah himself, And he will sustain you...." What are people worrying about that causes them to have chest pains and heart problems?

    My younger brother who is an elder just recently had to be admitted because he was experiencing chest pains. The org. has always put STRESS on it's followers because they always stressed the end was imminent. Who wouldn't get heart problems? The fear and guilt trip is more than enough for emotional and physical problems. Is it the intent of Jehovah to physically handicap his people now and reward them later health wise? Is this the 'refreshment' that Jesus was talking about? Does slaving for the Lord mean abuse or refreshment?

    Guest 77

  • Pathofthorns

    In all fairness, I would not say the JW lifestyle contributes in any notable way to heart attacks. Heart disease is an extremely common problem and much of it is hereditary (sp?) If anything, I would say the JW lifestyle might sometimes reduce problems related to heart disease by not allowing things like smoking.

    Mental/emotional problems on the other hand would seem to be more related to the JW lifestyle and the stresses associated with it. This is probably partially due to the sorts of people that have a propensity to become JWs.


  • target

    My husband had a heart attack at age 51 while a JW. But so did three of my brothers have heart attacks in their 50s and they have never been JWs. My father-in-law has had four heart attacks and he is not a JW, just an asshole.


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