Hi guys & gals,
I've written a new blog on the problems with blood fractions. I'd really love to hear your feedback on it.
by God_Delusion 3 Replies latest watchtower medical
Hi guys & gals,
I've written a new blog on the problems with blood fractions. I'd really love to hear your feedback on it.
Jehovah Witnesses have no legitimate reason for accepting blood fractions in any form under any circumstance .
According to their own stated beliefs quoting the Bible , blood should be poured out on the ground ,
, it is not to be stored or used for any purpose , not even blood and bone fertilizer ,which witnesses are not to use , and counselled if they do use it with a judicial committee against them.
They are not permitted to store their own blood for future use.
Fractions are derived from blood that is donated , stored , and processed in a laboratory by people who Jehovah Witnesses believe are part of Satan`s system of things worthy of destruction at Armageddon .
It is hypocritical of them to accept blood fractions in any way or form.
To me that`s it in a nutshell.
Good work. I have never seen a JW deal with the blood transfusion issue in any intelligent manner. It is quite frankly, indefensible.
It all reverts back to trusting the slave. the weakest argument that can possibly be made, when you have just showed a flagship doctrine to be incorrect.