Child Mortality Rate Falling!

by smmcroberts 2 Replies latest social current

  • smmcroberts

    As the WT spews ever more propaganda about how increasingly evil the World is in its "last days", it's nice to see them proven wrong yet again.

    The child mortality rate for preventable deaths in children under five years of age has dropped again! Now it's down to 19,000 per day (which is still a shockingly large number, of course, but I remember when it was 40,000 per day!) That's down 27% compared to four years ago!

    How did this happen? Well, it wasn't by distributing Watchtowers to the needy (remember the one that showed famine victims and said their greatest need was "spiritual food"?!)

    It was done by organizations such as UNICEF. Just like the WT they are looking forward to the day when there are no starving children. The big difference is that they are actually doing something about it instead of stupidly waiting for Armageddon to solve everything.

    The goal is zero: zero children dying a day from preventable causes (as well as zero children denied an education -- but there'd have to be no JWs before that could be a reality). You can take part in making this goal a reality by simply signing their pledge "I believe in zero". For each pledge made a packet of oral rehydration salts will be rushed to a child at risk from dehydration!

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    That's a 27% increase in the amount of ones who will die during the great day of Jehovah.

  • glenster

    Due to due to improvement in medicine, etc., the world population has grown
    dramatically since around the time the GB says the last days began.
    (Edit > Find > Signs of The End):

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