Have you eaten food containing blood?

by crownboy 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • crownboy

    Just wanted to find out how the X-JW community views eating food containing blood. Have any of you eaten foods like black pudding since leaving the JW's? Are you still apprehensive about eating products with blood? Have you eaten something with blood and liked it/ disliked it? Did it taste like any food you had eaten before?

    I've never eaten any foods with blood, but I have no objections to it. Since the bible talks against "eating blood", do you x-JW christains abstain from food with blood on those grounds? Looking foward to responses.

    Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!

  • Doc_jedd

    Yes Ive had German blood sausage, its quite spicy (in the garlic sense). I find it rather tasty, although i havent eaten it in quite some time I would eat it again with no problems. I am no longer bound to old testament laws or cultish ones for that matter!

  • patio34

    It still doesn't sound good. I don't think in this part of the world there are many foods containing blood. I probably wouldn't because it sounds distasteful, but certainly not on any religious grounds.

    UADNA (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

  • Athanasius

    Everytime I visit Clonakilty, Ireland I enjoy a traditional Irish breakfast which includes Clonakilty black pudding. I don't think that black pudding contains as much blood as liver. But if we were supposed to be Kosher, the New Testament would have been written like the Torah and would have clearly spelled out dietary restrictions for Christians.



  • Dutchie

    I don't know if its JW indoctrination or not, but just the thought of eating food containing blood makes me feel a bit woozy! However, if I ate food that contained blood and I was not aware of it until afterwards I wouldn't feel guilty or depressed or anything like that.

    When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion. Abraham Lincoln

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Once I went to a restaurant and ordered lambs brains.
    There they were, two little brains on my plate.
    Ate them all down.
    Not terribly nice, still dont know why I did it.

  • Simon

    I haven't ever eaten it because it sounds revolting. I think this may be how I was brought up though - some beliefs are hard to shake!

    Did anyone hear the rumour abuot Smarties containing blood? All because the red ones contained cochneal food coloring - people actually stopped buying them!

  • logical

    Ive never liked the idea of eating blood so the JW's had little effect on me in that area.

    Black pudding is absolutely evil stuff and I remember eating it as a kid it was foul.

    I just stick to the flesh of animals, not a fan of innards at all. Wont touch sausages.

  • Englishman

    I enjoy black-pudding with eggs and bacon for breakfast.

    The recipe is a bit off-putting, but basically, if you buy prepared black-pudding, you simply slice it into quarter inch slices and fry it in a little oil. It's pinkish inside when raw, but turns black when cooked. Here's the recipe:

    Black Pudding
    1¼ qt Fresh pig's blood
    8 7/8 oz Bread cut into cubes
    1¼ qt Skim milk
    1 lb Cooked barley
    1 lb Fresh beef suet
    8 oz Fine oatmeal
    1 tsp Salt
    2 tsp Ground black pepper
    2 tsp Dried & crumbled mint

    Put the bread cubes to soak in the milk in a warm oven. Do not heat the milk beyond blood temperature! Have the blood ready in a large bowl, and pour the warm milk and bread into it. Stir in the cooked barley. Grate the beef suet into the mixture and stir it up with the oatmeal. Season with the salt, pepper and mint.

    Have ready 2 or three large roasting pans. Divide the mixture between them they should not be more than ¾ full. Bake in a moderate oven - 350°F for about an hour or until the pudding is well cooked through. This makes a beautifully light pudding which will keep well in a cold larder.

    Cut into squared and fry till heated through and the outside is crisp, in bacon fat or butter. Delicious for breakfast, or for supper with fried apples and mashed potato.

    Makes 6 servings.


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