Ladies--are you pregnant??? Help out HERE!!!

by LDH 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    In the above thread, a poster named Double Dee states that she was pregnant at Bethel. NOTE the advice of the Bethel Doctor:

    I got pregnant at Bethel. We were not compensated for any expenses etc. In the meeting with the Doctor at Bethel, we were told that we should leave asap since we wouldn't want me to still be there while I was showing my pregnancy since that could cause depression in the sisters there that want to have children. They pretty much said that we needed to be outta there within 3 months.
    If you live in the New York area and you are showing, could you visit Bethel for a tour?


  • noidea



    I guess if the real thing can't be found that pillows will do the trick for some.
    I can foresee the repetitive upcoming articles on is it wise having children in the last days and the ones on depression.

  • joelbear

    When I was at Watchtower Farm a couple got pregnant and they left immediately.


  • BQE

    My sister has been a bethelite for over 5 years now..she went there to find a husband and not have to live in the "real world," so to speak. She became pregnant before she got married. Of course I couldn't go to her wedding or reception, but most definitely I was the first person on her calling list when she wanted me to refer her to an abortion clinic. I helped her out, but I let her just how much I disapprove of what she did, and I let her and her screwball husband know what hypocrites they all are!!

  • Perry


    I'm not trying to start a fight but, I have to say that I find your story a little unbelievable.....even if it is true.

    Witnesses, especially very active ones just don't flip flop like that. Even if they physically leave, the emotional and doctrinal departure takes years.

    Is your sister and husband still at bethel? If they were going to do something so terrible as you claim, why would she consult you for an abortion clinic? They certainly are easy enough to find. Something is just not adding up.

  • Dutchie

    Perry, there are all kinds of people in the truth and all kinds of people in Bethel. Some are there for the noblest of reasons and some are just there for the recognition, the support and the fact that they do not have to face the responsibilities of the grown up world. BQE's story may sound strange, but I've seen and known of stranger things. By the way, of course abortionist are not hard to find, but rather than just go to someone in the yellow pages, if I were BQE's friend, I would certainly ask her if she knew anyone I might go to.

    When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion. Abraham Lincoln

  • BQE

    The reason she consulted me was because I am an RN. She and her husband are very active at bethel. Sometimes witnesses do flip flop like that, especially when appearances count more than anything else, as in her case.

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