I thought there was something on this site recently about a letter writting campaign that helped over 40 witnesses leave the Org, but I cannot find anything here. I searched all the related sites but again found nothing. I am starting to question if I dreamt the whole thing up. Does anyone have information about such a campaign?
A letter writting campaign to current JW's
by Aaron Eldridge 3 Replies latest jw friends
I saw something like that on reddit/r/exjw but it seemed very far fetched and fake.
King Solomon
There's recently (within the past few weeks) been a resurrection of the idea on JWN, with someone sending postcards anonymously to whomever you desire to be the recipient. Seems like a good idea, with what seemed to be professional-appearing cards....
I tried to search to find the thread, but couldn't find it; so maybe you'll be able to find it by going back a few weeks in the archives manually?