A Tribute to Mum & Dad .....

by mysteriouslady 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • mysteriouslady

    Thank goodness that at long last, in my continuing relationship with my parents, that now I can separate them as individuals from the cloned molded fit of JW'dom only.

    Dad, although strict, and a man of very high principles, is the most kindhearted guy I know, he has this beautiful smile, almost a wanful look, but his eyes still twinkle mischiviously with affection. Thankyou Dad, I never thought I'd say it, but you've been one of the greatest friends ever that one could wish for. I respect your wisdom, your internal knowing, your love, your handclasp, you can be a right blighter at times I add with great affection - I love you loads.

    Mum, good ole persevering mum, with the greatest sense of humour, you are so much, such a fantastic lady in all respects, even though you are the most cantankerous and self righteous person I probaly know. But your good far outweighs anything else. You would have to go a long way to find someone as brilliant as you and I love you too, perhaps more than you will ever know.

    All my respect and deepest love

    Your son


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