Outsider video on JW approach to gay marriage

by cedars 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cedars

    Hi everyone

    The following video was uploaded 2 days ago, and already has nearly 14,000 views...


    It was posted by a radio DJ who isn't one of Jehovah's Witnesses but who received a copy of the Awake! and decided to comment on it on YouTube.

    Regardless of your personal views on gay marriage, it's interesting to note that an outsider has taken the trouble to put together a YouTube video after being appalled by the way gay marriage is touched upon in literature that is intended for public distribution. Basically, the Writing Department assumes that ordinary people on the street will be as shocked at the legalization of same-sex marriage as they are. The video demonstrates the consequences of what happens when you make such assumptions. It can backfire badly.

    The following quote on the Watching The World section is also interesting...

    "Apparently the Jehovah's Witnesses who write for Awake! aren't the cheeriest bunch because it's all bad news."

    Thus speaks an outsider on his brief encounter with literature from a religion that prides itself on being God's "happy people".


  • usualusername


  • matt2414

    I just listened to the DJ. He makes some strong points against the Witnesses, while comparing the news stories in Awake! magazine. Even he can see that the Watchtower's stance on gays is backwards and antiquated, while revealing the Witnesses to be fear- and hatemongers.

    Instead of embracing the diversity that God chose to embue in all humans, whom he created in his image, the Watchtower church has chosen to side against God and condemn gays to destruction, something that Christ never even mentioned. By their anti-gay actions, the Governing Body leaders have now gone on record as siding with the most evil man who ever lived, Adolph Hitler; the most heinous, blasphemous church in existence today -- second only to the Watchtower -- the Westboro Baptist Church; and the depraved dictators of Uganda, Gambia and Iran, who continue to murder thousands of God's children because of their sexual orientation. What kind of God deserving of worship would side with such depraved and deplorable groups and individuals?

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