Jehovahs Witnesses Watchtower Society & Occult Connections
by BlindersOff1 4 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Christ Alone
I don't know.... I know there's been talk about occult connections and subliminal images. All that sounds fishy. What REALLY is the occult? JWs will say that Christmas is part of the occult because of it's pagan origins. But is it really? No. I don't think Russell or Rutherford ever had any contact with any actual spirit. It was all in their heads.
Maybe I'm just being ignornant. But to me it sounds like a stretch to try and take this angle with JWs.
adjective 1. of or pertaining to magic, astrology, or any system claiming use or knowledge of secret or supernatural powers or agencies. 2. beyond the range of ordinary knowledge or understanding; mysterious. 3. secret; disclosed or communicated only to the initiated. 4. hidden from view. 5. (in early science) a. not apparent on mere inspection but discoverable by experimentation. b. of a nature not understood, as physical qualities. c. dealing with such qualities; experimental: occult science.
With that definition, many things could be considered "occult". In fact Christianity as a whole could be considered occultish. "Hidden from view" - As in God? His influence on the world through unseen means? "Of a nature not understood, as physical qualities" - like miracles? Holy Spirit (at least the JW concept of it)? "Beyond the range of ordinary knowledge or understanding" - Like everything regarding the supernatural realm? Isn't that were Christians believe God and the angels opperate? Yes, it's mostly used to refer to magic. But that is not it's only definition. No, I think this is not a valid angle to take with JWs. Yes, Russel and Rutherford both went into pyramidology, somehow receiving knowledge from the resurrected, etc... But I don't think this line of thought will convince a JW that the Watchtower is dangerous. Just my 2 cents. -
Christ Alone
Also, no, the pyramid meaurements were not the "ORIGIN" of the 1914 date. Other people before Russell (Miller and Barber being 2 of them) speculated about 1914.
When you do it it is:
And you get disfellowshipped!
When we do it it is:
And if you do not obey you get disfellowshipped!