I just could not let it pass wt july15/2012

by bobld 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bobld

    Page 26,p15

    'Paying careful attention to any direction that we receive through Jehovah's organization(GB) and applying it at once.

    Many who have rid themselves of needless debt can testify that applying wise counsel(of the GB) to simplify their life

    has benefited them during the recent economic crises"

    That statement reminded me of what a bethelite said some years ago in his closing talk at a circuit assembly.

    Quote"3,300 were told (were told) to leave New York bethel.How much more could they simplify-GB.

    p3-6 ECUADOR-Lack of basic services such as electricity and running water.Heat,dust lack of hot showers.

    How much more can thet simplify-GB.

    p25 In a number of lands where living conditions are chellenging many publishers have a simple lifestyle.

    Is your statement applicable and wise.

    No it is your selfish greed to kick 3,300 poor soul out ot HQ so you could make a fast buck when the real estate was hot.

    You should read your wt mag before you publish it.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    The WT (like every corporation) has to switch gears to accommodate economic changes.

    The first statement is so illogical. By that same line of reasoning, if I were to tell you to wash your face and brush your teeth twice a day, would I get the credit for your clear skin and clean teeth?

    Yep, sounds like divine direction to me.......

  • cobaltcupcake

    3300 unskilled Bethelites flooding the labor market? No wonder we have an economic crisis in the U.S!


    The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses

  • Kojack57

    Cobaltcupcake: EXACTLY RIGHT!!


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