If JW's Could Recruit Everyone in the World to Their Religion, We'd All Die and Be a Bunch of Miserable Amoebas!

by CrimsonBleu 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • CrimsonBleu

    There would be no doctors to help us.

    There would be no teachers to teach us.

    There would be no engneers to build things.

    Their would be no electricians to electrify things.

    There would be no great chefs to masterfully create awesome meals.

    There would be no accountants to help keep books balanced.

    There would be no vets to help keep our pets healthy.

    There would be no chemists to do all the chemistry things that make so many things we use.

    There would be no scientists to dazzle us with new discoveries.

    There would be no Hubble Space Station, and how could we possible appreciate the glory of God if we couldn't see beyond our nose?

    I bet you can think of lots of things I can't...but you get my drift!!!

    We'd all be sitting around, huddled into our little tight knit bundles of bible study banter rehashing the same old verses day after day, and never ever come to any understanding at all about how grand our world is, how insanely HUGE this entire universe is and not to mention the other universes besides this one, nor could we grasp what other planets are like without higher education.

    Just sayin....

  • Kojack57

    You forgot one thing, j-dubs can wash windows.


  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    We'd all be sitting around, huddled into our little tight knit bundles of bible study banter rehashing the same old verses day after day, and never ever come to any understanding at all about how grand our world is, how insanely HUGE this entire universe is and not to mention the other universes besides this one, nor could we grasp what other planets are like without higher education.

    Just sayin....

    Yeah, but they're gonna be huddling around a pet lion, petting it.... I WANNA PET LION, TOO!!

    PS and a picnic. Or maybe two. And maybe a nice colorful sarong to wear at the picnic. Oh, and a King Charles Cavalier. And a guy playing a gut-string guitar.

    That is all....

    (for now)

  • paladin

    JW's can also wash floors like I had to working for a JW contractor. I will never work for a JW again.

  • kurtbethel

    It would be an unstable religion and would implode.

    The Watchtower religion depends on two things to give it validity. One of them is in internal Us and Them so that there can be an overclass to rule and an underclass to be ruled. If it were egalitarian then this would not be possible. Many people would start thinking and making decisions for themselves, and the control mechanism would collapse. Recruiting everyone would threaten the controls because in its current form those independent thinkers are screened out.

    Another important element to the religion is that it needs an outgroup to scorn and demonize as being worse than them. Since they have so little to offer a person, they depend on making a person believe that anywhere else they go would be worse, evil, turning to Satan, etc. If everyone joined, then they would have to turn on themselves since there would be no outgroup to turn on. The outgroup would be from within, likely those people who were intelligent, independent thinkers, had initiative or were not conforming to dictates very well. The religion needs an outgroup so badly that it would cannibalize itself to make an outgroup and would collapse by itself.

    Endgame: No paradise earth, folks!

    Watchtower Jehovah's Witnesses paradise earth is a fraud because the organization needs people outside of their religion to hate

  • WTWizard

    Try going into a building where there are 4 or 5 apartments connected by a hallway that is lit by a single light bulb. There are no windows (yes, I have seen a few of those dangerous stairways in my days in field circus). Suddenly, the light bulb blows or the power goes out. Who is going to invent the flashlight or headlamp that could help you guide the elderly "sister" safely down the stairs and back to daylight? Who is going to invent the LED that is going to last much longer, give you a warning long before it blows (LEDs are rendered "blown" when they reach 70% of their original intensity, giving you plenty of warning to replace them)?

    Or, suppose you are at a Great Boasting Session. They get about 10 minutes into the program, and due to faulty wiring, the main circuit breaker is tripped. You, and 800 others, are left in pitch dark. How are you going to read your LIE-ble or Washtowel rag? How are they all going to get out, including the little old ladies in wheelchairs or walkers? It only takes one person with a headlamp or a good flashlight to guide everyone out safely, but who is going to invent that device? Without any devices to provide emergency lighting, the elderly and small children are going to have a miserable time.

    Many of the above mentioned things are routine items. However, the above items are safety items. You don't think a decent flashlight is important, until an electrical fault or blackout comes along. A good flashlight or headlamp could make a life-threatening situation into a mere nuisance, or even somewhat fun. Yet, if everyone in the world was a witless, no one would have invented these devices that could one day save your very life and that of everyone else around you, with little personal sacrifice.

  • BluesBrother

    If the whole world were J W's , there would be no wars, I daresay they would distribute food fairly ......

    But of course it could never be since their whole r aison d'ĂȘtre is to be a small minority within an alien world..Who would they blame the "world conditions" upon?

    NB : original post presumes that there would be no skilled trades or professions but is there any shortage of such when it comes to J W projects? I am constantly surprised by the number of born-ins who are now qualified in professions or have good businesses. I guess they ignored the 'direction of The Slave' to Pioneer.

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