WTS supports The Guardian

by ozziepost 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    The April 22 issue of Awake! contains no less than 5 quotations from the Guardian newspaper of the UK.

    You may recall that the Guardian's Religious Affairs Editor wrote some very revealing articles about the WTS and its NGO status in the UN. Remember how the WTS PR department issued a statement defending their position and how they corresponded with Stephen Bates and reminded us all that the WTS views the Guardian as a serious, factual and reliable newspaper that it quotes regularly? Remember how Stephen Bates replied most effectively. It was pointed out that it was very difficult to find ANY times the WTS had used the Guardian in its articles.

    Well, it looks like they must be seeking someone's favour!

    On just one page (page 6)there are 4 quotes! They are used to back up their claims about the churches. What else is new?! Here they are:

    Christianity has never looked in worse shape.......for priest and presbyter, 1950-2000 was the worst of half-centuries.
    Older people are losing faith in God as they age. New research confirming the trend will shock Britain's crisis-hit churches, which until now have regarded the elderly as the enduring backbone of their dwindling congregations.
    The Roman Catholic church had a deplorable record of colluding with fascism throughout the 20th century, from the congratulations it bestowed on General Franco after the Spanish civil war, to its recent efforts on behalf of General Pinochet.
    "It also noted that Pope Pius XII, the war-time pontiff,
    was happy enough to come to an arrangement with [Hitler] and steer clear of potential embarrassments like denouncing the Holocaust.
    Then in another article in the same issue entitled "The Best Way to Satisfy Your Spiritual Needs" (page 11) they turn to the Guardian yet again! (Don't they buy any other newspapers now! ) Of course, it's another 'knock' against the clergy. Here it is:
    priests are more interested nowadays in raising money than in pastoral visits.
    I wonder where this was referring to?

    You know, they must really like the way that Stephen and his colleagues write. I wonder if those quotes are taken 'out of context'? They wouldn't do that, would they?

    It'd be interesting to find out. Fancy the WTS liking the way that Stephen and his colleagues write, eh? That's a turn-up, ain't it?


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Celtic

    Darn good newspaper, that's why.

  • Englishman

    "If they are prepared to quote from The Grauniad then they must view it as a reliable source, mustn't they Bro Wishywashy? Now, lets see what else the Grauniad has had to say....."

    Heh heh heh.


  • biblexaminer

    The "religious leaders" (aka;vipers) at NYHQ don't want to hear the truthR any more than their predecesors of the first century.

    They want to be full time hypocrites and continue to say "...there is peace, there is peace, when there is no peace

  • anewperson

    What they are doing in Brooklyn is thumbing their noses at Stephen Bates. They are showing him they can quote from his own paper all they want to so long as not at undue length or as to deprive the Guardian paper of money etc. They are at the same time trying to cast doubt on his having locked horns with them, to make people wonder if just somehow they might in fact be sweethearts of if not him then those who are over him. This would drive a wedge between Bates and those of us passing along information to him. They tried the same thing recently with regard to Bill Bowen. They sought to make it appear NBC management would gladly sacrifice the documentary Dateline had prepared to keep in Brooklyn's good graces. It's all in all another sign of their desperation, sly and cunning machinations, which is however pathetically transparent. Last ditch death throes of an old dragon.

  • SixofNine

    It will be interesting to see Mr. Bates' take on this. Can someone who communicates with him make sure he sees this?

  • ozziepost


    G'day mate. Ahhhh, the Graniaud! Yeah, how many different ways can you spell it? Remember when.... their sub-editors seemed to be trying to find out how many ways?


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • biblexaminer

    If nobody else does, then I have communicated with Stephen on several occasions, as well Hawkaw has also mnay times.

    The last time I got an email from hime, he said that the WTS is getting "a well deserved rest" from his exposure.

  • ozziepost

    G'day biblexaminer,

    I would love to hear his reaction too. Please communicate to him.

    Maybe he'd be able to comment on whether these quotes are 'in context' and when they were published?


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • stephen Bates
    stephen Bates

    Dear Friends,

    Thank you indeed for pointing out the Guardian citations in the latest issue of the Watch Tower. I don't recognise any of them - they certainly weren't written by me as far as I can remember - nor do I know how recently they appeared in the paper.
    It's perfectly feasible that such words did appear. Some of the paper's columnists are critical of religion (seeing how the Watch Tower behaves, who could blame them?) and, from what I've seen the WT is reporting words that purportedly show other religions in a bad light, which would fit their strategy nicely of course.
    In the light of previous citations in the Watch Tower it is highly unsafe to take any quotation or attribution at face value however, since past textual analysis has shown the JWs to be quite happy to wrench quotations out of context and even tio reverse the meaning of what is being said by selective quotation.
    These appearances will not affect my standing with the Guardian because none of us see the publications in question (nor would it, even if my editor did, since we believe in free speech...though we naturally prefer comment to be accurate and not misquoted).
    Not sure I can quite see the point of this rash of quotations however. Surely it can't be to present the Guardian as a reputable and reliable newspaper to loyal followers after all the critical things we have been saying about the Witnesses?
    Incidentally, the PR at the Watchtower never did respond to my letter to him, or to the suggestion that they were in breach of copyright for lifting Guardian words without payment....

    Thank you once again,

    Steve Bates

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