Yay it's almost April!! Why am I so excited by this? I hear some of you ask! Well let me tell you!
First up.
April 6th it will be my first birthday of having joined this site!
April 8th is my birthday! YAYAYAYAY
April 27th I get to become a full fledged British Citizen! Up until now, despite the fact that my Parents are British, my mother is the only one to retain her citizenship... so British law being as sexist as it is (do not recognize maternal line) I have had to wait 5 freaking years to naturalize as a British citizen (was born in Rhodesia [Zimbabwe]).
So as of the end of April I shall be an old, one year old apostate who has finally become a (passport holding) Brit!!
Britty xxx
"My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"